Derrick Avila

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  • in reply to: Star Citizen – Extinction Level Event #2947
    Derrick Avila

      oh man, this blog is probably gonna be a nasty one lol. @usaf2004, id probably check this site again in the afternoon.

      in reply to: Star Citizen – General Discussions #2855
      Derrick Avila

        thanks for the tip! ill watch that link you posted to get refreshed on it. i remember seeing this a few months ago. looks like the shit is gonna hit the fan pretty shortly from what i gather. major tom said somethin big is comin up on one of his videos he just recently posted a few days ago. poor commandos lol

        in reply to: Star Citizen – General Discussions #2840
        Derrick Avila

          good afternoon mr. smart, i notice that this video was also connected to something that major tom posted up on youtube yesterday. keep fightin the good fight against the white knights of the 4th stimpire (lol) but your message is lost to me on this one. i understand its an ecrypted message, i just dont know for the life of me on how to start to decode it. care to share a hint? or is a translation to it imminent? thanks! pretty intriguing nonetheless

          in reply to: Star Citizen – General Discussions #2630
          Derrick Avila

            wow, so at the conclusion of that post…because people are ramming eachother in an alpha they went ahead and set up an anti-grief system complete with a “jail”? for a PRE-ALPHA? are you kidding me? LOL. ok here is my experiences with such mechanics, they do nothing good for a game and actually cause the playerbase to dwindle because when you add more rules to open environments like star citizen, you are also in effect giving griefers more power in some ways as time passes. that may not be so atm for star citizen, but later it could balloon into that after patches have been added. here is an experience i had, remember that game called “age of conan”? it was an MMORPG by funcom.

            the carebear populace were complaining about getting ganked and killed in the game’s world. so they cried enough to get funcom’s attention and thus the anti-grief system was put into place. iirc correctly, striking a lower level player and would make you turn “criminal” at which point its open season on your head and if you got a high enough score, you will begin to drop a random piece of your equipment off your character upon your death. i was one of many  voices on that forum that spoke against it with its potential rammifications and it fell upon deaf ears since we were shouted down for it. this eventually led to max level players being griefed by low levels out of their gear.

            standard attacks in Age of Conan were AoE. all it took was a group of griefers to run into your strikes, and they’ll all die to it. you just murdered 5 innocent low levels! then here come their friends lying in wait to come gank you out of your equipment. im not sure it’ll lead to this in SC, but i will say thus far, what they have done is probably far more damaging than what funcom did to their game. because they are implementing an anti-grief system in pre-alpha (instead of focusing on you know…finishing the game) and thus all the things people wanted to do….may not be possible now. this was supposed to be a game where they could be pirates and murderers and mercs. if you are punished for doing random acts of violence or whatever, this is going to highly discourage settling scores in-game, discourage pirating, a much wanted and talked about feature, and doing jobs for money as a merc. Star Citizen from my initial impression was to be a sandbox where the players themselves policed the game. now backer money has further been used up to make this and i find it absolutely hilarious yet very upsetting. all because people wanted to ram ships in a pre-alpha??? what a joke. a 110 million dollar game’s development has been literally rail roaded by people goofing off. WOW.

            in reply to: Star Citizen – General Discussions #2603
            Derrick Avila

              yeah its definitely turning, more posts of people questioning and criticizing the project are now popping up. the white knights are gonna have alot of fun when it gets really bad as time continues to move forward. whats funnier is that the ammunition being supplied to the ones who are now thinking for themselves is being supplied by CIG itself.

              in reply to: Star Citizen – General Discussions #2601
              Derrick Avila

                meanwhile look what popped up on the boards.


                a guy is tryin to justify the development process of the game. that first response he got was a zinger lol

                in reply to: Star Citizen – General Discussions #2562
                Derrick Avila

                  you beat me to it! i was just about to post up this article. things are getting nasty in the comments section. a polygon moderator has shown up to try to quell the flames that have erupted from disgruntled backers and people trying to defend it. guess the white knights deployed and arent exactly doing a good job seeing as how the hatred continues

                  in reply to: Star Citizen – General Discussions #2355
                  Derrick Avila

                    im reading the thread that you linked, and im seeing people now questioning the game and being skeptical. the white knights are there of course to defend and justify what is going on. meanwhile a few posters have warned the naysayers they may get banned for being “toxic” lol, this is becoming an interesting read

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