Star Citizen – Extinction Level Event

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      For some time now, the events which I believe will lead to the catastrophic collapse of the project, and which have accumulated to become the Extinction Level Event, have been in full swing.

      Cliff Walton

        well… I don’t know which dropped faster – my jaw or my stomach when I saw the topic let alone the actual post details to follow..


          I tried to log in via my account password but its not accepted (my account is active) what kind of password do I need to enter to view the blog?

          Jason Jones

            When do we go live D?

            Derrick Avila

              oh man, this blog is probably gonna be a nasty one lol. @usaf2004, id probably check this site again in the afternoon.


                The blog has a separate password. When it goes live later today, the password will be removed.


                  The blog is live.

                  Kristoffer S

                    So I’ve been “away” for a few months. That is “away” as in “paying attention but not interrupting”. And when I saw the countdown for an ELE I thought “great, finally the nail in the coffin, the smoking gun”. But instead it’s another long blog detailingĀ things you’ve written over time on Twitter with very little new stuff. Still no smoking gun, still no “here’s proof of something illegal”, just some very grandiose FUD.

                    And then I look at CIG and… they’re doing even worse! Still not delivering on things, still redoing things, still talking about adding things, still changing they way they interact with the community and still no sign of a playable cohesive game.


                    Oh well, back to the cave I go…

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