Star Citizen – Extinction Level Event
- This topic has 154 replies, 28 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 7 months ago by
April 17, 2016 at 6:31 pm #3084
Had to get this up while the topic was hot…
April 17, 2016 at 9:27 pm #3085I don’t think he deserves that accolade.
The Nazis were exterminating Jews and Lardnick here is hardly guilty of that.
What he is, is a whole bundle of insincerity lacking integrity who will seemingly say and do anything to prop up the CR and Sandi gravy train.
The guy is going to drop dead sooner rather than later as a result of his obvious inability to control what goes into his mouth rather than what comes out of it though.
He really ought to get that on his mind and get down the gym rather than carry on stroking his ego working at CIG. An ego needs a working body to live in.
April 18, 2016 at 2:54 am #3086Remember there are people take a loan for this game, getting loads debt just to buy some JPEG. How they gonna admit Star citizen is a scam and they are all idoits?
April 18, 2016 at 3:58 am #3087[quote quote=3083]“Do you support the current argument about Ben’s old quote archive? If so.. there’s no use talking to you.” I regard that question as being a bit flawed as I would throw back the question: What does Ben’s reprehensible old quote archive have to do with the failure of star citizen? Which has the obvious answer of nothing. Note how I never mentioned it in past posts.[/quote]
It has nothing to do with SC. And that’s the prime issue i have with everyone jumping on the bandwagon.
[quote]But ok I will bite anyway. Take a general member of the public who knows nothing about star citizen. Provide only the the info that the very public figure/customer relations person of an unnamed $112m company (just for arguments sake) wrote this (a few select quotes with admission of writing them). Question: should this person remain in that public role? A reasonable majority will say no due to not having vested interest, and will rely on their moral alignment which shows that disturbing, reprehensible shit as being intolerable for a public position. There is my opinion as well. Alternatively say the archive belonged to an elected member of a political party I hated/made fun of. Would I use it to attack the party itself? No as the typical supporters themselves would find it reprehensible. Would I expect the official to stand down? Most definitely. Of course,would there be others who attack the party as a whole as well as opposing diehards who refuse to believe/accept/whatever? Also yes. Would I attempt to intervene? No, that’s life. The analogy should be fairly clear. If you are so inclined then take your moral issues up with them, not me. However I don’t recommend it. [/quote]
CIG is a private company, any issue you have with one of their employees (or their style of management) can be resolved in a very simple manner: “don’t buy from them”. Trying to crucify someone for their past actions, demanding him to step down… come on. You can try, as everyone is entitled to their opinion, but the company (or individual in question) has every right to ignore you.. or call you out for being a dick. As long as you have no stake in said company (and no.. crowdfunding doesn’t count) you have no right to demand actions from them. You can ask.. they ‘might’ listen.. but you have no power. You might try to sway public opinion, rally people to the cause. But that can backfire as well. The old leftish/sjw mode that most people automatically engage in is drifting to a more liberal/rightwing approach for over a decade (At least in Holland it has) . I’ve seen more and more attempts at influencing people/public opinion these past years that backfired on the people initiating them. Usually damaging them more than the people they targeted. And this goes for both public and private roles.
[quote]I suggest that your flawed question to me was a result of you eagerly attempting to take the moral high ground above both ‘sides’, as demonstrated throughout your posts (whether you realize it yourself, meh) . As an example one particularly damning line is: “Both sides playing ‘innocent’ and enlarging every small infraction like it’s some stranger beating up little kids” By probability, it is highly unlikely you do deserve to be a higher moral authority for any side or individual. Additionally as has been a running theme in my posts, even if you were such an authority the end is nigh and your complaints/concerns are pointless, valid or not. Meh, my opinion, by all means carry on. [/quote]
Let me help you with that: It’s not only highly unlikely.. it’s not the case. If i had the moral high-ground i wouldn’t be responding here. I wouldn’t be complaining about the diluting of the argument by all the white noise generated by ‘lolz’ and shitposting.. or get as annoyed as i have by the style of Derek or his handling of Ben’s old site.
And again: both sides have their valuable members.. and both sides have members who are sitting in a corner beating on their little drums trying to get attention. Slamming down harder and harder because nobody notices them.
I know i’ve said this before but i’ll say it again just to clarify: I have zero trust that SC will be able to deliver what they promised, just because they can’t even deliver descriptions of how their key mechanics will work. I want to tough questions to be asked and responded too. I just dislike people being a dick while asking or responding to those questions.. They have a right to be a dick, but i also have a right to call them out on being a dick. And the current ‘ben-ghazi’ argument.. yeah.. thats being a dick 🙂
(add: and yes.. i have been a dick in the past.. i probably am a dick right now… and i will probably be a dick in the future. But i try to be aware of the fact that i am.. and that helps.. sometimes)
April 18, 2016 at 4:59 am #3088If it makes you feel any better Denan I agree with you 100%.
– CIG has gone on long enough without being able to produce anything playable
– There are way too many things undecided “up in the air” that should’ve been hammered out a long time ago, like trading and mining.
– All the “yeah, we don’t know how that’s going to work exactly”, “we’ve just begun rewriting the netcode” and “we’re redisgning the constellation again” that we hear on the 10FtC is just a kick in the nuts to people like me that backed during Kickstarter and have heard it all over and over again.
– Their excuse for not doing refunds (“the game is delivered”) is laughable!
– What Ben wrote all those years ago isn’t pretty and to consider he’s one of the people appointing moderators on that there forum is .. uncomfortable.
– The amount of companies involved in this is absurd, it just reeks of hiding the moneytrail!And on the other hand …
– Derek has some valid points, but it gets lost in the noise.
– So much of what Derek says is unverified and remains so even after the facts – like the “Potato”-ship incident.
– The lack of evidence or proof doesn’t prove anything which Derek and the goons seem to think. (in regards to Sandi lying about her credentials, afaik that hasn’t been proven to be lies, just not confirmed to be true)
– Derek is taking the argument to such a personal level that it just gets silly listening to. The rock bottom for me, and judging by what we’ve heard it was “gloves are off” moment for CR and Sandi, was when he posted the picture of their daughter, that felt low. Even though it was publically available for anyone to see it really did feel like a really low blow.
– Derek keeps hinting at lawsuits or the feds are going to stop CIG (“When the authorities get involved..”, operative word being “When”?) but nothing has happened that anyone is aware of. If there really was something illegal going on there, why isn’t anyone doing anything?
– The point Derek “lost me” was when he tried to connect CR & CIG to a non existent mafia, that was pure gold (atleast for a Swede).My one conclusion as to why Derek is still going on even when the points have been made and CIG failed to step up to the plate is he wants to be damn sure there isn’t some wealthy investor out there thinking of sending a few million their way but when doing the due diligence would definitely find his or her way here and back out. That’s the only thing that makes sense at this stage. If so… well played 🙂
The most disappointing thing in the drama isn’t that Derek is necessarily right about the things he’s predicted and written – it’s that CIG is failing to step up to the plate and just prove him wrong. But they can’t which by default gives Derek more creed :/April 18, 2016 at 9:17 am #3089You guys still dont understand this is not about Derek. You said it yourself you are not beeing lured by CIG : everything you are saying about CIG is what we’ve been saying for nearly a year now. Why do you care about what Derek said or not, and what did realise or not? ok he’s playing the notoriety card. Who cares? there are no dupe here ; We have been here for one reason only : CIG and the way that Derek doesnt ban/lock our comments up. Ok for obvious and biased reason but then what?we would have gone on any other places anyway where CIG have no power, if it wasn’t here in the first place.
the theme is : CIG is NOT a making a game at all now. Period. The evidences are all over you are just choosing not to pay attention to it.April 18, 2016 at 10:26 am #3090[quote quote=3089]You guys still dont understand this is not about Derek. You said it yourself you are not beeing lured by CIG : everything you are saying about CIG is what we’ve been saying for nearly a year now. Why do you care about what Derek said or not, and what did realise or not? ok he’s playing the notoriety card. Who cares? there are no dupe here ; We have been here for one reason only : CIG and the way that Derek doesnt ban/lock our comments up. Ok for obvious and biased reason but then what?we would have gone on any other places anyway where CIG have no power, if it wasn’t here in the first place. the theme is : CIG is NOT a making a game at all now. Period. The evidences are all over you are just choosing not to pay attention to it. [/quote]
I don’t think either of us said this was about Derek personally. What i wrote about CIG is the same thing i wrote after derek’s first blog, in his old forum. I’ve had the same worries and thoughts after the scope expansion and the MMO plans. What i do say however is that in my opinion the nature of the “online persona” that Derek (and some goons) created is preventing these questions from being asked- and answered.
Ask the tough questions, keep hammering on the answers.. and stay away from conjecture or photoshops. Its just the way the world works: If someone gets into a discussion with me, focusing on arguments and facts, in a well thought out manner.. i will listen. I might not agree, but i will listen and be open to arguments that might draw me to their side.
If someone stands on the other side of the street on a large soapbox continuously shouting stuff like “Don’t trust them.. They’re demons.. monsters.. they eat babies!!!!” they might pepper their nonsense with facts here and there.. but i will probably ignore them.
April 18, 2016 at 10:35 am #3091Ofcourse this is about Derek, it says so right in the address fields and everywhere around here! There are plenty of places to discuss SC but this place is about what Derek is saying about SC!
But I get what you’re saying that regardless of the messenger and what Derek says CIG is fucking up alot, which I agree with. It’s not Derek creating the drama, he’s merely highlighting it so we don’t miss it 🙂 What I don’t agree with is the statement that there are overwhelming proof they aren’t making a game. I’d say there is overwhelming proof they are. It’s slow, it’s being redone alot, it’s buggy, it’s basically all the wrong progress and it may take 5 years more but they are atleast trying to make a game out of this mess somehow. And it’s not like I’ve given them any money .. well I don’t know when the last time was tbh, but it was long ago. And then probably for some merchandise, and that they have delivered actually. Not the best quality but atleast it’s delivered 🙂
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