Star Citizen – General Discussions

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  • #2529
    lir big

      I stand by what I’ve said. 2 con brains from the very begining. There is no ‘if it works out’ .

      lir big

        You are absolutely right, people working for the con-team( Chris, Sandi, Ortwin) do their best. Most don’t know they are fully working for a scam design buisness. Also I don’t believe Chris to be a born con-man. Just a megalomaniac fool that is using every tools at his disposal regardless of ethical. That leaves us with at least 2 con brains from the begining. And again people working under them can do the best they want, they’re just filling in the nutshell shows.

        lir big

          It seems he went off by his own; I guess we’ll never know his statement about CIG but he did the smart move anyway. The new girl replacing him ‘Amy’ , for now, is totally drawn into CIG cause, but for how long?

          MDrake SC

            Here is a picture from a goon, for that deleted comment. I did see it originally, and was slightly surprised that it got deleted after being locked. Criticism must hurt.

            SJ Parkinson

              You’ll know the end is near when the principles buy property in Florida. Florida has protections on having your main residence seized after bankruptcy. Several celebrities and notable people of dubious backgrounds have done it in the past.


              Of course, they may go one better and move to a different country without an extradition treaty with the US.

              The Best Countries for Your Escape Plan


                Yeah, here is one.

                Hotsauce ShoTYME
                  Tracy Acord

                    I’m quibbly in the CR forums, after this comment, I’m sure to be banned:

                    Squadron 42 – A Wing Commander style single player mode, playable OFFLINE if you want.  Playable offline or online, co-op with friends, you sign up for a tour of duty with the UEE fleet, manning the front lines, protecting settlements from Vanduul warbands.

                    The is what I paid for. If CR is not going to honor what we paid for, then a refund is required.

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