Star Citizen – General Discussions

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  • #3610
      Ranger Man

        That won’t be there much longer.  I assume the increase in comments like this has the mods busy catching up with them all and locking/banning/whatever them.  But like the Gestapo they will find you.

        Major Tom has some good videos!  I haven’t used SC since 1.x days just before 2 came out so it’s been a shock to see these.  Given all this time and money the results look like someone who never programmed or did graphics (say a three year old) built this game.  It’s obvious it’s damaged beyond repair and they need to scrap it all and start over – this time with realistic goals and a project manager who can enforce them.  Build it one step at a time.


        Martijn Otto

          That went quick:

          “Question answered thread closed. Further more several posts were removed under forum rules 1, 3, 4, 7 and 9. Kindly note that its absolutely fine to be critical and have an opposing opinion. As long as speculation isnt provided as fact and as long as people are civil. Theres no need to attack the critics.  If you have doubts about a post just flag it”


          They did leave most of the topic intact though. Do they actually think that when deleting this kind of topics, the problem doesn’t excist?

          Ranger Man

            Translation:  This post was critical of Star Citizen and our Great Leader so it is being closed.  Everyone move on, nothing to see here. All is well and we will have the MVP someday – remember that’s what you signed up for – the MVP, nothing else.

            This was a well written, reasoned piece so all their verbige is blowing smoke and stupidity.

            Yes, they really do think that declaring it not so makes it go away.  “So let it be” and it is nor more.  However, outside the bubble of their world it does exist and those who are willing to think will do so and eventually it all catches up with them.  It’s only the followers who are fooled and when it goes down in flames they will blame it on something – for SC Derek will have managed to somehow sink a company with 114+ million <G>.  If it were religion they’d blame it on Satan.  I’ve dealt with these kind of organizations/institutions before and reality is what they say it is.  Man’s ability to delude himself is astounding sometimes!


            Ranger Man

              I owe whoever posted the link to Major Tom’s videos!  When taking breaks from trying to get CUPS on Linux to do what it is supposed to do but won’t I would watch them.  It made doing battle with CUPS easier!  They are hilarious.  He has a great sense of parody and humor and documents in living video the issues with SC today.  As I mentioned I haven’t done anything since 1.x (x maybe == 4) so it’s amazing and unbelievable that after all this time and money there are the issues with underwear only, ships disappearing, headless commandos, the lousy graphics (flickering, pieces getting in the way in views). To me it only underlines the incompetence of CR and other company management.  They evidently have lots of people to draw jpegs but no developers.



                Discussion / Before you Pledge – Buyer Beware: The Real Ship Status and Concept Sales

                As was said officially recently, (RTV 89) all ships, which concept sale was or will be, after September 2015 (after Endevour), won’t be in the game release. This might even be revised again as Chris Roberts also talked about a “Minimal Viable Product” which could mean more cuts. Please think about that before you pledge!

                More than half of the ships are not flight ready. Flight ready means they somehow work in the PTU but most are still missing one or some combination of HUD, Instruments, Consoles, full flight model, mass (yeah, they all have no mass/the same mass) and many more. So take “flight ready” with a grain of salt as it only means you can get into the cockpit (if you don’t glitch out) and take off.

                One Example is the recently added Starfarer which is “flight ready” but none of it’s core functionality is working (like refuelling). The cockpit is bugged for everyone. Seats are broken. You fall through floors. Nothing internally works (except doors and even those bug out sometimes).

                Here is a nice picture illustrating the real Engineering debt that CIG has (as of May 22nd). Everything not completely BLUE is not done yet:

                If you intend to pledge pick at least a ship that is already in the PTU and more or less working!

                WARNING: There are no loan ships even if some people say there are!

                There are no loaners any more according to the Lead of Ship Designs and Developer Ben Lesnik as of Jun 2, 2016.

                Ben Lesnick, Developer:

                We don’t, uh, specifically do hangar LOANERS any more I mean we… we haven’t even done the MATRIX for the… for 2.4 so… ahm, not a worry there… ahhm… yeah… just something that’ll…

                Yeah it’s just that 2.4 is still on the PTU so we don’t have the… LOADOUT LOADOUT… LOWER LOAN… LOADOUT MATRIX so uh we’ll…

                SOURCE: Bensday with Batgirl and Ben Episode 54 Jun 2, 2016

                Carry on Commandos!



                  Results as of Sun, June 4th @ 8:25AM EST


                    CIG started tagging backers. Didn’t believe it at first. This is a shot from a backer I know. In a hilariously inept (it’s CIG!) move, they didn’t realize that Zendesk tags are public facing. THIS is how they treat backers now. To see if you have been tagged, go to support and open a new support request. the dropdown should be there if you have been tagged.

                    Someone with a tag made a video of it because some Shitizens (abusive & toxic anti-social Star Citizen fans) were claiming the whole thing was fake.

                    A forum thread ( “Publicly tagging customers in CIG CS?” that appeared on the CIG website was not only closed, it was completely removed. So naturally, they created another one.

                    I have a tag. This is a dump direct from the page via Javascript and JSON. From the main CS page, just go to the page > View Source > search for “Greetings sourcecode lurker!”

                    This  comment pretty much sums up CIG:

                    Under normal circumstances it would be hard to believe that a company with funding of $114m had taken the time to link customer accounts to social media and discussion boards and felt this information was important enough to record. But then this is Star Citizen so it is not very surprising. It barely even ranks on the long list of bewildering things they have done. But it is another yet another indicator that something is rotten in Chris Roberts’ house. 

                    The narrative from diehard sc grognards has always been that this stuff is fake or exaggerated. Part of a plot (with as yet undetermined goals) orchestrated by the hated Derek Smart and his minions. But the more that’s revealed about the people working at CIG and the way they operate the less water this holds. The Escapist article was dismissed as scurrilous rumour because they used anonymous sources (even though this is a common and normal practice). There was no way Sandi was as crazy as the article claimed, nor could the company’s culture be as poisonous as it appeared. Ridiculous. 

                    Then the beer emails reveal that the VP of marketing can’t even conduct herself professionally in communications with a customer. Those again were dismissed as fake, never mind that would have been a lot of effort for something that could have easily resulted in legal action. Just like was threatened with The Escapist. So far there have been no legal repercussions for either case. 

                    Now we discover that CIG is tagging its paying customers to track their identity across the Internet. The only reasonable conclusion is that this is done so they don’t expend unnecessary effort on certain groups of people who are viewed as being harmful to the project. This has parallels to the behaviour of cults like Scientology. 

                    And surprise surprise, one of the categories is “snowflake”, a term used by Sandi in an email as a derogatory term for people she feels are entitled and unnecessarily demanding. Never mind that they’ve funded her and her husband’s extravagant lifestyle for the past four years. 

                    At this point anyone who can’t see that there’s something very wrong with CIG’s culture which affects both its employees and customers is being wilfully blind.

                    …and there’s Major Tom 🙂


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