Honestly, given that character and trust go hand-in-hand, I have to say the comments from “a younger Ben” are absolutely repugnant and using the modified “affluenza defense” (I really didn’t know this was poor behavior at the tender ages of 21-25 because my parents didn’t teach me basic human decency) and calling it “sometimes mean humor” is just as repugnant now as it was then. Really, after all this time the best you can do is call it “mean humor”; humor!, not racist, demeaning commentary I wish I could erase and apologize for, no, it just us kids having fun!
So, we know there is a character flaw (and it’s a doozy!), what about trust? If this is what the guy was thinking about vague “other people” he didn’t know, what about the CIG community? How much truth and honesty can be expected from a “mean-spirited” racist? How much genuine respect can we really assume he has for people? He was always glib and sarcastic and now we know there are deeper, darker roots to his commentary.
Sandi should prove her chops and get this guy out of the CIG lime-light and put him in some dark corner where he can’t besmirch what little trust and confidence that backers have that the people working at CIG are of the highest caliper with the best intentions.
“mean humor”, so that’s what we’re calling racism these days? Beam me up Scotty…