lir big
Forum Replies Created
I can’t seem to be able to log onto the forum with a free created account. I was using a gifted aurora account from a friend untill january when I got it banned lol. So i can’t troll anymore there.
tell them you still request a refund
_ 14 days bollox is bollox
_ you are to contact your bank and make them do a chargeback
_ send a copy of the former ToS to your bank, as well as the new one so they see for themselve the fraud attempt
_ tell them also you are filing in FTC and OLAF.
_ Contact the anti fraud police of your country
_ Keep sending them mails untill they process your refundThe Awakening.
A backer and his hundreds of dollars in , VS CoD 60/70 euros at launch?
” What this has to do with SC
I give CoD a lot of credit in this post, but it’s still CoD, and as childish as it is for me to say it, CoD doing it first cheapens the experience for me.not only did CoD steal SQ42’s thunder, it’s trailer alone highlights a level of detail that is straight up absent in SC. It’s hard to make a fair comparison at all, because we haven’t seen much of SQ42, and the only piece of SC in our hands that isn’t on a server of some kind, the hangar module, has very little to actually do in it.
But it’s still there. The character animations are laughable, the character models are jankey and unimpressive, the gunplay isn’t great outside the ships, the animations to get into the ships are jarring and often bugged. Nearly every “First-Person” aspect of this “First-Person-Universe” is unfinished, unimplemented, and downright unimpressive. In 2.4, I could see my player characters high-resolution eyeballs and I wasn’t trying to look at them.
And all that is before I get to the unbearable UI, and other various bugs with the game. Why does the launcher download limit not work? Using the internet while patching the game is surprisingly difficult…And I have been totally okay with it too…
…Until CoD showed up. It showed me what I’ve been so disappointed by in SC. They took the space fights, and the FPSs and the concepts, and made a game out of it. A game with smooth player animations, physics that don’t look broken, and gunplay that looks very solid, (this is quite unfair though, it is CoD).
I want to show my friends Star Citizen, I know that upon release, it and SQ42 will still be the far superior game. I want them to “Ooh” and “Aah” over all of the cool things they can do in it. But now, I don’t know if I can do that anymore without them asking “Didn’t CoD do that?” Sure, I could explain to them the difference of using double floating point precision, being able to fly to any silly little thing I wanted to, that there are no invisible walls in SC… But I think the gameplay should speak for itself, and right now, it doesn’t. “If you have not dowloaded/logged to the new launcher you can apply for a refund.
The CS contact last october 2015 was [email protected]
Do not log into RSI site, as I don’t know if it counts for a ToS agreement ( Thought I htink I saw on SA forums someone who claimed to be in Law stuff that you can’t make someone sign in for a change in ToS with just a loggin to account). But its safer this wayThen send a mail to the customer service saying
_ You have not signed and thus require a refund.They may ask you for informations . Don’t give them any, they perfectly know how much you have pledged for, and the don’t need to know anything about you anyway.
If they try some bad moves such as the 14 bullshit grace time or anything shady add this :_ referring to your bank for a chargeback option, send them the former ToS as proof.
_ 14 days grace time applies only to delivered products within the USA.
_ you’re under the European Court so :
Also add anything relating to the anti-fraud policy in the Europe. Google for unfair contract, non delivering of goods and service/europe.Be really really quick because they might as well be taking the tickets for their way off to a foreign country.
5th iteration of the star citizen thread; if you keep beeing polite and civil, you can emitt fair critisim without beeing moderated , and actually lately most of the people have lost faith into CIG there and don’t let shitizens spread their lies when they show up.
oops made a lapsus calami , I was talking bout Activision of course , not EA
wow just wow. So he really thinks of himself as a kind of highness lord. Not surprised but how unprofessional the way it spreads around.
But hey, Not-a-cult.hey I got another one after the BL developer :
Chris Roberts, Chairman.
They only deserve to loose their money, and moreover they’re happy to do so.