Derrick Avila

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  • in reply to: Star Citizen – General Discussions #2179
    Derrick Avila

      holy shit, i just read that entire exchange. the level of ridiculousness contained in that conversion was astounding, as well as the arrogance that gardner revealed. i knew she was egotistical, but not that bad lol. good thing i wasnt drinking anything otherwise i wouldve spat it out at my monitor from the laughter. i understand its their forum, and their rules….but to give a guy with pedophilia post a week’s worth of the banhammer VS someone who was clearly giving feedback, bringing to light major issues, a permanent one is a very serious problem. its utterly disgusting. just like that other forum post i read about people being raped, and suffering vivisection by some galactic empire? who the hell are these people allowing into their community???

      in reply to: Star Citizen – Interstellar Pirates #1699
      Derrick Avila

        $30,000 spent on pictures of ships is insane. for that money i could do far more constructive things lol, man some people are just nuts! “i did it with side job money” ok awesome, spend it however but man that is so much money. no videogame is justifiable for that amount.

        in reply to: Star Citizen – Interstellar Pirates #1658
        Derrick Avila

          thanks for the response guys, i just saw that video concerning their new santa monica office. while its all very nice, i see it as something that is very unnecessary. i dont understand why they didnt just stay here in TX where its less costly. while watching that whole video, and thinking “big deal where your desk is dude” when that guy was gesturing where he would be sitting, i was wondering what exactly my $75 went into. im sure just like dust in the wind its all gone, i am contemplating on getting a refund myself since i think i can use that money more efficiently elsewhere. i just havent gotten around to it yet since there is a back log of requests coming in.

          ive backed other games like shantae, mighty no. 9 and bloodstained: ritual of the night. the first 2 have no huge feature creep and were funded on kickstarter with no website for them to continue haggling their respective player bases for more money. both were advertised as 2D platformers and guess what? they are still 2D platformers. Bloodstained is fairly new and following “metroidvania”‘s formula, thats what was pitched and i am more than sure koji igarashi will stay the course without deviating like star citizen has. he knows what the fans want, he knows that everyone wants to grab a whip and go kill monsters and vampires. thats the difference between those projects and this one, they told us what they were going to make in the beginning of it all and have stuck to their guns. if only star citizen had done the same, give us a game to play and give feedback on so it can be made better. add content seasonally and piece by piece, doesnt have to be all at once! now because of this BS, i wont be throwing in my lot to just any kickstarter game now. i am going to make sure the developers are reliable,and have their heads on straight.

          in reply to: Star Citizen – Interstellar Pirates #1627
          Derrick Avila

            hello Mr Smart,

            ive been following this whole thing ever since i somehow caught wind of it while surfing the web on break while working. i find it all to be very interesting and at the same time quite disturbing. the past few years ive been following star citizen on and off during its development ever since i saw a video of it on back somewhere in 2011 or 2012. i cant remember, its been a long time. the kickstarter era of this game had ended and so they moved on to start collecting backer money through their website. it was at this time before i think the game had even raised 20 million that i threw down 60 (and later on another 15) to get my origin jumpworks ship. several months later they let us throw in money for the exploration racing or the military spec one. so i threw in for the 325A.

            i was being told i was “being taken for a ride”, but i blew that off figuring that the game would begin to see a ramp up in development progress. we had the dog fight module out already, surely a beta couldnt be far off for at least several months to a year right? this was in 2013 i believe. well, its 2015 now and all we have now is still the lousy dog fight module and a single map of a race mode. that whole chat lobby thing i could care less about, that isnt GAMEPLAY. so as time went on i saw those crowd funding dollars pile up to the sky. we’re at 94 million and i am still just wondering when the fuck will i get to fly my 300i around space looking for trouble to stir up or find cool things to see. this game has been in pre-alpha now for how long? this brings me to my next worry should this project go belly up like you say…that is:

            this game will scar the crowd funding PC gaming scene for many many years. people will say “oh its not gonna do much damage, it’ll be yesterday’s news”. well i hate to say it but this game has piled up so much money, made so many promises, has stirred the pot in independent game development without publisher assistance, that its gonna be the next R101. you know, that giant zeppelin the british made all those years ago? the one that crashed in france that was a tragic and horrifying incident of legendary proportions? thats gonna be star citizen if this game isnt delivered with all those juicy features bragged about AT LAUNCH. thats what all these backers are expecting even if they say otherwise. its all just crazy knowing there are people who have dumped several thousand into this game, even crazier people have dumped enough money to put a down payment on a really nice home and property as well! so when they get a shell of a game, thats probably gonna be barely worth $20 that they have paid so much for…what then?

            my concern now at this point in time is what is it going to do to smaller indie devs and the crowd funding scene in general? i saw a post above that its already making waves. but when it crashes to the ground its gonna do really really big damage. damage that for years when people see another up and coming rising star of a game, people who are skeptical will say “well shit, here comes another star citizen incident. hopefully this one actually makes it past launch and stays with a player base beyond 1 month”. i am one of those gamers who is tired of the AAA gaming scene. we pay good money for incomplete or trashy games with many issues (like batman arkham knight on PC). they have all these huge budgets and we wind up throwing the game into the bargain bin shortly after (except witcher 3, that one is actually worth every dollar imo). indie games are there to give us things that we want outside your usual tentpoles. star citizen is gonna crash right on top of that because of arrogance, misallocation of backer dollars, and just plain fucking up. thanks for reading, i know ive repeated alot of what you already know but thats just how i feel about this whole mess. i think star citizen will come out, but we’re getting a frame with 1 seat, a steering wheel, junkyard tires, and not even a windshield or an engine. just push it down the hill and hope its steep enough.for 94 million dollars.

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