So today one of Star Citizen’s superfans went on a YouTube meltdown in her channel, calling dissenting backers, trolls. So I wrote her a letter (scroll to the comments section).
Since I keep getting messages about my “beef with Lesnick”, here is a section I added to the blog, and which sheds some more light on it.
And he’s been having a go at me for years now. Here is a comment he made, twelve years ago, when rumors were going around that I was attempting to do a Freespace game. This is his comment on the official forums last July after my first blog; and which led to the all-out war we’re now waging. A war which they don’t stand a snowball in hell chance of winning.
“OK, just to head people off at the pass here. this is not a ‘bug’ this is the way the game handles space itself. The game has no way of knowing whether you are in space (should die) or inside (should live). They’ve been able to get away with this until now because everyone had a spacesuit on all the time, but now, well. It’s a massive and fundemental part of how the game should work, and it doesn’t. hand waiving it away as a ‘known bug’ is hilarious. use your brains commandos, lmao – star citizen does not have space“