Star Citizen – Year Four
- This topic has 104 replies, 28 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 6 months ago by
November 25, 2015 at 11:39 am #1838
Meanwhile, in the latest PC Gamer, Star Citizen got the cover. And despite the fact that the magazine went there to get coverage of Squadron 42, they didn’t see ANYTHING being played. And I quote:
“But here’s the thing, I didn’t see or play any of this. Squadron 42 seems to still be very much in the early stages of development, and I wasn’t shown a working build. Everything I saw was in the CryEngine editor or described verbally by one of the developers.”
It’s now Dec 2015 and they claim (it’s bullshit) that it’s coming out next year.
November 25, 2015 at 11:49 am #1839They say Goons ruin everything. But one put together this guidance on how to get a Star Citizen refund. Do it.
November 26, 2015 at 8:35 am #1841It seems they removed it.
November 27, 2015 at 9:15 am #1842They removed the other refund link from both TinyPic as well as UltraIMG. So now I’m hosting it.
November 27, 2015 at 2:07 pm #1843Well I must say I had thought of number 1)*, but wanted to play fair and went through refund request.
But I would greatly advise anyone who can’t get refund to use this method. Even if it means screwing up people, at least you can try to sell the white knights, since we all know reddit is their stronghold.
November 27, 2015 at 2:44 pm #1844I wonder what he’s seen from the editor . I also wonder since when it’s been in the editor. Anyway that doesn’t seem much reading at his conclusion.
By the way wasn’t The Escapist publicly invited by CR himself to visit the studios? (aka response ‘letter’ , at the end ) . I’m sure CR did nothing of the sort afterward, but I’d sure like to know if TE kept investigating about CIG . Future will tell.
November 27, 2015 at 3:56 pm #1845The truth about Star Citizen 2.0 premature release
This is what I said on Nov 2nd ahead of the Star Citizen anniversary sale..
- I don’t believe that there will be anything tangible in the upcoming AC 2.0. And by the time the dust settles, everyone will be wondering why it’s not AC 1.47 (or whatever)
- I believe that they will try to get that 2.0 build out in the PTU in time for the anniversary sale on or before 11/26.
- That 2.0 build won’t i) have fps (aka Star Marine) in it ii) have anything “persistent” about it iii) have anything previously promised (see below) in it
- Probably won’t support any new ships. And if it does, there will be maybe one multi-crew ship (still trying to find out which one is the likely candidate)
And whatever they release as 2.0 is purely designed as more smoke and mirrors to show “progress”. So it will be a buggy mess in PTU until well into 2016. Lest you forget, AC is still a buggy mess. And whatever it is they currently have in the PTU is best not even discussed. Remember, they still can’t even get buggies to work right.
Going into 2016, we’ll be dealing with v2.0x builds; all of which will remain in the same buggy state that the current v1.xx builds are in.
Four years. $94m+. 500+ people. Still talking pre-Alpha. And no game in sight
2016 is the mad rush to get a scaled down version of EP1 of SQ42 out. Depending on how much they want to cut, it probably won’t happen. Which is why they are currently hiring more people at Foundry 42 because all bets are now being placed on SQ42.
In the latest Around The Verse E 2.08
“You guys have seen this already, we’re up to about 15000 players right now. BugSmashers are hard at work fixing the various crashes and lag spikes and issues you discover. It has been an incredible process though. 2.0 is ***working exactly as we imagined it***, people were getting in there and seeing how Star Citizen works, it’s all coming together. There’s the FPS, there’s the multi crew combat, there’s all sorts of parts everyone’s been waiting for, it’s a great experience for us, we feel good here” – Ben Lesnick
…then there’s this exchange…
SG: Yes of course 2.0 has been on the PTU since our anniversary livestream.
BL: Yes! I know people look to us and say you planned that but it was touch and go all the way but I think Sandi had to threaten Erin Roberts at one point perhaps.
SG: Yes…..
BL: But they got it out to the first 1000 during the livestream and we’ve been ramping up since then. The stream itself was a great success. It was three hours with Chris, Erin and the rest of the team. If you have not had a chance, go back and check it out, lots of new Star Citizen content in there.
[Sandi and ben laughs]
BL: Sorry it’s my serious face!!
Someone put it best, so I’ll just quote the whole thing:
“I found it interesting in the latest “Around the Verse” that Ben basically said Sandi outright demanded Erin release the Baby PU as is — and Sandi confirmed the characterization.
This actually is illuminating for a couple of reasons.
Firstly, it suggests power dynamics that are quite difficult to see from our cheap seats. Though their account can be read as semi-humorous– it’s easy to believe this is somewhat representative of their dynamic– that Sandi (Chris’ wife / VP of Marketing) ultimately has the authority to tell Erin (Chris’ brother / Executive Producer) what to do.
That it should NOT be this way is obvious– Erin as Executive Producer, one with a longer term track record of gaming success than his brother (and a history of saving his own brother’s arse)– shouldn’t be pushed around by a VP of Marketing or his brother’s wife.
But it also prompts question– why? Why was Sandi demanding Erin release it- despite his implied reservations.
The answer seems pretty clear– Sandi knew that prospects of the entire Anniversary Sale without the Baby PU would be pretty grim. And for Sandi– there is not other priority or consideration beyond the continued extraction of wealth from the pockets of the Sperg Militant.
Fixing customer service– so they stop having 4+ week trouble ticket queues?
“Screw it– that would mean hiring more people. Let the current employees suffer with never ending backlogs and pissed off backers, and let the backers think that lengthy delays are actually normal rather than a complete embarrassment…”
Fixing our slow-as-hell, pathetically subpar and disorganized China-based merchandising / shipping operation so the fans can get stuff more quickly?
“Screw it– who cares if it takes a month to deliver things, and our shipper loses loads of inventory often, and fans who get broken / misprinted / subpar merch end up having to wait 3-5 weeks to get through the support queue, after waiting just as long for delivery, whereupon they’ll wait yet another month to get a replacement? Let them think China is actually a brilliant solution delivering higher quality stuff than America or Europe can match and it’s worth the wait. Because that means we can squeeze even more bucks out of their sperg asses.”
For Sandi, the only measure of CIG’s success is cash in the bank and furnishings in the Santa Monica office (and surely the Roberts home / life). Screw quality of support, product, or game or workplace experience. Keep the money rolling in at all costs. Everyone else — backers, employees, other offices — can suck it”.
November 27, 2015 at 4:37 pm #1846Another one ($1995 now on sale for a bargain $1595):
Screen grab from here.Yep, every penny is going into the game alright. Loving my refund more and more every day.
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