OK so a bunch of you are probably already following and tracking my new upcoming game, Line Of Defense (the old website has been taken down while the new one is being built). But even with a stellar (lol!!) industry track record, we all need help once in awhile. So I decided to hand off the PR duties to a bunch of industry gamer and media guys turned PR junkies over at Evolve PR. You can read all about it over here on their press release.
Anyway, game number fifteen(!) is coming along great and we’re feverishly pushing for a late Summer release. It is expected to be epic. So go like the game’s page on Facebook, follow it on Twitter etc if you want a chance to score a Beta invite.
Did I mention that since we’re going up against Sony’s Planetside 2, it is pretty much shaping up to be a David vs Goliath type thing? Not on the epic scale of Battlefield 3 vs Call Of Duty 4 of course, but epic nonetheless. At the end of the day, competition is always good – plus what other job in the world affords us the luxury of actually playing games for a living!!