If I had still money in this I would claim a refund now, make a new $0 account and play 3.0 for free later.
There will be numerous trial weeks just like 2016 and a week is more than enough to exhaust the whole "content" Star Citizen has to offer before they shutdown all servers when they run out of money.
my exact thoughts...+1. I dont understand how the fanboys can be so blind not to see the con.
The things that are pretty basic and underlying in most of the games is somehow a feature in star citizen for ex persistence :bahgawd: .
was reading the latest letter from chairman and couldnt stop laughing that after the cloth persistence a year after they have now damage persistent. what a bunch of ass clowns over at cig and even bigger ass clowns are the backers that let themselves deceived by this bullshit.
Many do see it, they just don't want to let the side down by asking for a refund.
They are still convinced that the game will come out and all this is just teething problems.
Any progress from CIG is a step in the right direction, they have already had their money's worth, their fantasy is not going to die.
We all know this is more evidence the game is never coming out.
But, on the face of it, it is arguably a good idea.
They can appear to limit their exposure to refunds and everything they have sold in the past.
They are already walking back on and most of the promises they have made.
Any publicity is good publicity and who knows how many more $40 starter packs they can sell regardless of how annoyed and pissed off a reasonably large % of original backers are.
In the years to come there will be people laughing at other residents in retirement homes who lost $000's to CRoberts BDSSE.
But on this reddit,
https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/6zfm98/star_citizen_30_update_akin_to_early_access_launch/?sort=old&limit=500 you see the idiots that can't see the significance of what is going on and are even complaining because calling 3.0 Early Access will cause more disquiet.
They couldnt give a toss about whether the game is actually ever delivered or that Croberts is ripping them and many other off..
Because now, as usual, CR has unnecessarily attached a whole bunch of expectations onto SC by comparing it to early access.
So now people will have these expectations, complain on these boards when those expectations aren't met, and get called trolls by our wonderful forum warriors, all because CR used a bad analogy in one of his off the cuff interviews.
Just another monday in Star Citizen land...