Author Topic: Star Citizen Media Musings  (Read 1408238 times)


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Re: Star Citizen Media Articles
« Reply #210 on: September 06, 2017, 03:58:20 AM »
The problem I have with that approach, is that people are still all over the Internet telling everybody how much fun this game is, and how brilliant it will be when it's finished and all that white knight cultist fanboy crap. So I started engaging them on their Reddit with a dissenting opinion. Much to their joy btw  :D

All the (potential) newcomers get a fair warning from me now. If they don't do anything with it, that's there call. But I just can't keep the WKCF's run around and pulling more people in this scam. In every positive comment, I'm there pointing out the truth. And so far, not even a warning by a mod for trolling, despite some desperate tries from the WKCF's. So the message is getting through. Slowly but steadily.

I'm just hoping and waiting for something major again from Derek on short term. Anything to get morale even lower.


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Re: Star Citizen Media Articles
« Reply #211 on: September 06, 2017, 08:16:10 AM »
NOTE: I have done some cleanup and relocated some posts to other forums. This sub-forum is for the discussion of media articles.
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen Media Articles
« Reply #212 on: September 06, 2017, 04:07:25 PM »
Anyways, Kickstarter/crowdfund have been a great thing for PC gaming.
You're now repeating the Chris Roberts spiel of "saving PC gaming". PC gaming is doing really fine without the need to be saved by Kickstarter.

Without the crowdfunded games, I fear we would be left with the massive amount of garbage that the AAA market (which is easily 95% of AAA gaming) has been shoveling out for more than a decade, where they put creativity and innovation into the trunk, or with the massive amount of indie games where 95% of them are garbage, and even then the good ones have a low production values.
Sturgeon's Law applies everywhere. Especially to crowdfunding and early access projects, which have the same share of complete crap if and when finished at all. The difference is that in the classic funding model the consumer decides if he wants to spend money on a complete and finished game, while with crowdfunding they are playing lottery. It's simply not sensible in the current state and without strict regulation.

And don't get me wrong. "I just spent $60" doesn't change that. For once, only spending $60 on crowdfunding projects doesn't get them funded. The whales are needed to make the whole thing work. Second $60 can buy a lot of great completed games, so throwing that at some "maybe in five years" is an inferior choice. There is no video game drought, even if some people feel like that.

The Crowdfunding games give a way for developers to be more into the AA market, where they can make great games with creativity and innovation in the drivers seat and have a much higher production value than indie games.
The AA market is doing extremely fine without crowdfunding. I bought dozens of great AA games in 2017 alone, not a single one being crowdfunded (some not even possible with crowdfunding). However single-player focused AA games don't sell much on PC, because there the buzz is all about multi-player on PC. That's a property of the platform's audience, not some flaw in the funding model.


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Re: Star Citizen Media Articles
« Reply #213 on: September 06, 2017, 07:33:21 PM »
Anyways, Kickstarter/crowdfund have been a great thing for PC gaming.
You're now repeating the Chris Roberts spiel of "saving PC gaming". PC gaming is doing really fine without the need to be saved by Kickstarter.

Without the crowdfunded games, I fear we would be left with the massive amount of garbage that the AAA market (which is easily 95% of AAA gaming) has been shoveling out for more than a decade, where they put creativity and innovation into the trunk, or with the massive amount of indie games where 95% of them are garbage, and even then the good ones have a low production values.
Sturgeon's Law applies everywhere. Especially to crowdfunding and early access projects, which have the same share of complete crap if and when finished at all. The difference is that in the classic funding model the consumer decides if he wants to spend money on a complete and finished game, while with crowdfunding they are playing lottery. It's simply not sensible in the current state and without strict regulation.

And don't get me wrong. "I just spent $60" doesn't change that. For once, only spending $60 on crowdfunding projects doesn't get them funded. The whales are needed to make the whole thing work. Second $60 can buy a lot of great completed games, so throwing that at some "maybe in five years" is an inferior choice. There is no video game drought, even if some people feel like that.

The Crowdfunding games give a way for developers to be more into the AA market, where they can make great games with creativity and innovation in the drivers seat and have a much higher production value than indie games.
The AA market is doing extremely fine without crowdfunding. I bought dozens of great AA games in 2017 alone, not a single one being crowdfunded (some not even possible with crowdfunding). However single-player focused AA games don't sell much on PC, because there the buzz is all about multi-player on PC. That's a property of the platform's audience, not some flaw in the funding model.

I completely disagree with you.  That have been certain types of games that were nearly extinct prior to crowd funding.  When these types of games became successful both through the crowdfunding and through sales after the game released it sent a message through the industry that there is a market for these types of games.  Even the AA games were basically putting creativity and innovation in the backseat prior to the success of crowdfunding.

Crowdfunding literally gave a voice to the consumers in showing there is literally a market for certain types of games, and it is a market that can be profitable and successful.


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Re: Star Citizen Media Articles
« Reply #214 on: September 08, 2017, 09:54:41 AM »
10 Most Demanding PC Games in the World 2017

"Star Citizen

A bit of an oddity this one, Star Citizen stands out on its own as one of, it not the most demanding game in existence. We’re sort of inclined to let it slide as it’s still 87 years from release, but fans have been able to pay for play it for a good few years now. Originally created in the Crytek engine, Star Citizen moved to Amazon’s Lumberyard spin-off, while Vulkan support is also important. Star Citizen looks gorgeous, ambitious and humongous, but it’s also capable of crippling a GTX 1080 Ti at 1440p."
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen Media Articles
« Reply #215 on: September 08, 2017, 02:36:58 PM »
10 Most Demanding PC Games in the World 2017

"Star Citizen

A bit of an oddity this one, Star Citizen stands out on its own as one of, it not the most demanding game in existence. We’re sort of inclined to let it slide as it’s still 87 years from release, but fans have been able to pay for play it for a good few years now. Originally created in the Crytek engine, Star Citizen moved to Amazon’s Lumberyard spin-off, while Vulkan support is also important. Star Citizen looks gorgeous, ambitious and humongous, but it’s also capable of crippling a GTX 1080 Ti at 1440p."

I see magazines are following the time-honored tradition of conflating "demanding" with "ineptly coded and grievously unoptimized" when referring to performance.


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Re: Star Citizen Media Articles
« Reply #216 on: September 08, 2017, 03:23:01 PM »
10 Most Demanding PC Games in the World 2017

"Star Citizen

A bit of an oddity this one, Star Citizen stands out on its own as one of, it not the most demanding game in existence. We’re sort of inclined to let it slide as it’s still 87 years from release, but fans have been able to pay for play it for a good few years now. Originally created in the Crytek engine, Star Citizen moved to Amazon’s Lumberyard spin-off, while Vulkan support is also important. Star Citizen looks gorgeous, ambitious and humongous, but it’s also capable of crippling a GTX 1080 Ti at 1440p."

I see magazines are following the time-honored tradition of conflating "demanding" with "ineptly coded and grievously unoptimized" when referring to performance.

Well yeah, the more things change, the more they stay the same.  :smugjones:
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen Media Articles
« Reply #217 on: September 10, 2017, 12:56:53 PM »


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Re: Star Citizen Media Articles
« Reply #218 on: September 10, 2017, 01:11:44 PM »
PC Invasion: Ex-CIG Star Citizen employee tells Derek Smart where to go

I love his attempt at presenting himself as an innocent cute little sheep:

why did you spend time out of your life trying to dox a 24 year old programmer who was one of the most junior members of a team

To me, this sounds like:

„I was young, I had no other choice, and I needed the money! Besides, I was so wet behind the ears, I didn't accomplish anything substantial during my time at CIG anyway. I was too innocent and clueless to be invited to any corporate wrongdoing, so you’re wasting your time singling me out. Nothing to see here, please move on… pleeeease!"


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Re: Star Citizen Media Articles
« Reply #219 on: September 10, 2017, 01:22:23 PM »
3 German professors are doing a researchseminar on Star Citizen and crowdfunding and stuff 'Star Citizen': The Art of Going Beyond Crowdfunding in the Video Gaming Business".

Although I am fluent in German too (yes Sandi, I am, really) I just leave the quick translation to Google. Maybe I'll take out real errors, but it's the basic that matters anyway:

An official release date for the full version of the online game "Star Citizen" is far from in sight. And yet, the game universe has nearly two million virtual inhabitants. They all have spent real money on spaceships in the game they can not fly yet. Thanks to these spaceship bonds, however, the game can be completed - at any time.

The development of the most expensive space simulation of all time is fully paid by their fans and users. More than 150 million US dollars (125 million euros), "Star Citizen" inventor Chris Roberts was able to collect a record by Crowdfunding. But how did Roberts succeed in fomenting a world-wide euphoria, which seemed to be eclipsed for years, for a game that was not yet played properly and kept waiting for its completion? And more than that: how could the developer turn the fans' interest into a million-dollar loan?

Three German economists are now looking into these questions: Jan-Philipp Ahrens, Dennis Steininger and Andrew Isaak will hold a research seminar at the University of Mannheim in the upcoming winter semester, entitled '' Star Citizen '': The Art of Going Beyond Crowdfunding in the Video Gaming Business ". Translated, this means: "On the art of going beyond crowdfunding in the video game industry".

"Star Citizen" as a piece of community building

What results the researchers will come to, of course, is still open. However, the Crowdfunding experts already have a few theses to explain the success of "Star Citizen". "We believe that there is a special and particularly good form of community care behind," says Ahrens. "We hope to be able to establish this statistically." Regardless of the game, the "Star Citizen" founder would have emerged as a visionary leader and made the video game an interesting piece for future founders and company managers. "Star Citizen is the most successful crowdfunding project ever," says the Crowdfunding researcher Isaak. "We are interested in the management and leadership performance that has led to this success."

From previous investigations it is known that an emotional response of the fans is important. "The name 'Star Citizen' suggests: Here you get the opportunity to participate in something bigger." Approximately 50 euros cost it to become a citizen of the virtual starnation. This is the starting price for a starter package, which gives you access to the five available game modules and a space ship. As early as 2012, inventor Roberts had announced his own campaign site from the platform kickstarter and the established gamesbranche. He began to make donations on his own behalf. "Star Citizen" should be a space epic produced independently of the big publishers - an open world with almost endless possibilities. Over five years, the funding objectives have been steadily increasing. Each one was reached. From the money the developer studio behind the game is to finance Cloud Imperium Games, new features or advanced game worlds.

Interesting data available on the net

But work on the game continues. A trial version has been available since 2013. Now the fans are looking forward to the release of the single-player campaign "Squadron 42", which was announced already for 2016, but then was postponed to this year. Roberts does not want to publish the game, as long as it is not "perfect". Interesting for scientists, "Star Citizen" also makes the fact that a lot of data about the project are available on its own website. "Since the beginning of the campaign, everything the company has done or announced has been documented here," says Ahrens: money amounts, user numbers, funding goals, press releases and milestones. "The homepage is a huge database that we can use as a researcher, which is unique."

And what does the developer think of the project? A spokesman for Cloud Imperium Games said on request that they could imagine a collaboration with the researchers. "It sounds like an interesting idea," the speaker said.

There will not be an examina tion on "Star Citizen" in the Mannheim seminar, instead the seminar participants will write academic dissertations. The goal is to publish the results. If no scientific journal were to be of interest to the topic, the research work would be published independently. Interest in the cultural heritage of computer games and in the phenomenon of "star citizen" reaches into "the middle of society", believes Ahrens.


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Re: Star Citizen Media Articles
« Reply #220 on: September 10, 2017, 01:38:58 PM »
PC Invasion: Ex-CIG Star Citizen employee tells Derek Smart where to go

And Derek, did you go there?  :D

He's a moron who just realized that he's been played. At 24, he's also patently clueless if he thinks that's how doxing works. Which makes sense considering that he was working at a company that's running an active scam.

He decides to get pissy because he got busted changing his Twitter handle, then Tweets his exit from there. Not shady though. At all.

Then he proceeds to get owned by Goons, while yelling at me though he blocked me. I guess he's just mad that I just moved on instead of engaging him further. Though I thought the "Fuck Off" was a nice touch, because you know, I've never been told that before.

He just made himself a statistic for when this shit-show finally collapses because people will still remember that guy who jumped the Star Citizen ship, made it into Derek Smart's feed, then told him to fuck off, having been busted.
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen Media Articles
« Reply #221 on: September 10, 2017, 01:41:13 PM »
PC Invasion: Ex-CIG Star Citizen employee tells Derek Smart where to go

I love his attempt at presenting himself as an innocent cute little sheep:

why did you spend time out of your life trying to dox a 24 year old programmer who was one of the most junior members of a team

To me, this sounds like:

„I was young, I had no other choice, and I needed the money! Besides, I was so wet behind the ears, I didn't accomplish anything substantial during my time at CIG anyway. I was too innocent and clueless to be invited to any corporate wrongdoing, so you’re wasting your time singling me out. Nothing to see here, please move on… pleeeease!"

He's just looking for attention. If he had enough sense, he won't have even responded at all. But CIG hires a bunch of dumb fucks for cheap, so there's that.
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen Media Articles
« Reply #222 on: September 11, 2017, 07:23:16 AM »
Star Citizen Update "akin to early access launch"

I like how he says the public schedule is the internal one. I guess 3.0 did come out in 2016.

I am also thrilled to see that he is still reading my articles because I was the first and only person to leak that the internal and public schedules were different. He's a liar, a scam artist, and a fraud.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2017, 01:57:33 PM by dsmart »
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen Media Articles
« Reply #223 on: September 11, 2017, 07:30:32 AM »
Star Citizen Update "akin to early access launch"

I would love to be Roman Abramovich hanging out in the south of France but I don't have that much cash.

Don’t worry CR, you’ll get there…


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Re: Star Citizen Media Articles
« Reply #224 on: September 11, 2017, 10:47:58 AM »
Star Citizen Update "akin to early access launch"
I like how he says the public schedule is the internal one. I guess 3.0 did come out in 2016.

3.1 will let you buy ships as well.

Yeah there's absolutely zero chance of that happening, because it would completely annihilate their primary revenue source: jpegs. Especially if Chris sticks to his word and allows you to "earn a Constellation in game with 2 weeks play".


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