Just drop in to give you guys some info, because at 1 point I really would like to see the backers put a hold on the holdings with a class action lawsuit and maybe have a chance of recovery.
https://robertsspaceindustries.com/funding-goalsThis line is what you need to read:
As a crowd funded project, Star Citizen's scope is based directly on the support provided by our backers. Money pledged goes directly to the game's development. **
There is also diffently 1 video, I believe more, CR himself confirms ALL money along with achieved logs from the forums of him stating all backing money goes to development.
Even in settlement utilizing funds from star citizen, or previous lawsuit has solicitated false information on there website and can be used with other info to inject liablity.
At this point they are and have no right to protect there self with backers money. And in doing so have/will open up litigation that backers can utilize in a court of law.
Not to count videos out there where CR has commented directly that ALL funds go to development. This does and cannot pretain to legal defense or lawsuits which must come out of there own pocket and will in the end
be impossible to cover up in a court of law.
Best Regards.