Author Topic: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.  (Read 2227472 times)


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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #915 on: August 30, 2017, 03:52:47 AM »
Chris has put himself in deep trouble. The thing is, he can't admit that there are financial issues. Event a hint of money problems will have everybody asking what has happened to that 150+ million and how is he going to finish the game, let alone host it online as a MMO, if all the money is gone. So he just can't say anything about the money other than that it is fine and no worries everybody.

That is also the same reason Scam Shitizen will crash quick and hard. A slow burn would mean that there are still enough backers that keep on funding the game after the first crash has happened and I don't think there are enough whale backers aroud who can carry the whole of CIG. Assuming they are stupid enough to continue funding after 150+ million has been lost.


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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #916 on: August 30, 2017, 04:16:07 AM »
I cannot believe that 27% of respondents actually believe that he will release the full game as promised. I guess they discarded the fact that Roberts said that he will deliver a minimally viable product. Straight from the horses mouth and they say "No. I discard your facts and choose to to substitute them with my own reality". I suppose Roberts is grateful that there are still those who live in their own special universe, where things are whatever they wish them to be. It keeps some money coming. Ultimately these people probably were hoping that this game would provide a graphic representation of their little dream world.

What a mind blowing cult.

I wonder if Roberts will have a huge vat of Kool Aid at their final convention?

Remember, these are the same people who have been making excuses for him since the very start; and they ramped up those efforts after I got involved in July 2015.

These are also the same people who, despite Chris making specific and direct statements (e.g. dev started in 2011, 3.0 will be out by Dec 19 2016), they still wave it away, while trying to interpret those statements as something else.

They're morons. That's why we laugh at them consistently.
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #917 on: August 30, 2017, 04:17:08 AM »
Just putting this out there - is it time to let Serendipity back in?

I would imagine that he'll be a little more muted in his support of CIG after the GamesCom debacle.

I wouldn't bet on it...

His post (he could still login, read etc) ban expired since Mon. He hasn't come around yet. I think he's still in shock at the fantastic GC2017 coverage.
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #918 on: August 30, 2017, 04:23:15 AM »

Has everyone read the latest major piece from Derek ?

This is a better link, since it just loads the post, instead of the entire page

Chris Roberts and Sandi don't look like worried people to me - but I only see them at staged events.

You can believe that they are quite happy taking the $ they pay themselves and the attention.

It is also not difficult to believe they imagine they would escape any serious legal troubles.

So did every scam artist and con man. Until they got caught. Plus, these aren't criminals, so it's not like they're expected to be smart. In fact, from what I know, there are two key pieces (both tied to backer money) that are going to do them in. And those are completely irreversible because the evidence is all out there. You can't undo them in order to escape legal troubles down the road.

It isn't difficult to believe they think they have plenty more jpegs to sell and there are plenty of other companies that will get involved with them.

It isn't difficult to believe they think can capture a lot of interest of people who play plenty of other gaming genres and break into the Asian markets.

The illusion of progress and stability is enough for many Backers for now.

The smoke and mirrors are sufficient for Croberts  to keep recruiting more Backers, albeit in smaller volumes.

We could do with a poll relating to what it would take for someone to ask for a refund or their state of mind as regards refunds.

They can do anything they want. But going by 2017 Aug metrics, compared to 2016, it's safe to say that the bubble already burst on the number of whales they can fleece.

But we don't care. People can do what they want with their money. There is no way on Earth they're going to keep raising money until they "complete" a game that has insurmountable problems. There will never - ever - be the game they promised, or even 50 of that. So it's just a matter of time now. There are only two things worth discussing at this point:

1) when is this whole thing going to come crashing down

2) what form will the crash take

Talking about whether or not they complete the game, is a wasted, pointless exercise, as there will never be a game.
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #919 on: August 30, 2017, 04:32:37 AM »
I am wondering, they kept on adding extra achievements in the first fundraising until the 65 million mark and then they stopped adding extra goals. Probably because they just couldn't think of anything else to add. Now, would it be safe to suggest that those first 65 million raised were indeed actually raised fully? And that only after that milestone they started to lie about the finances? Probably because of having spent it all on external contractors thus needing new money?

Knight Solaire

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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #920 on: August 30, 2017, 04:35:15 AM »
That is also the same reason Scam Shitizen will crash quick and hard. A slow burn would mean that there are still enough backers that keep on funding the game after the first crash has happened and I don't think there are enough whale backers aroud who can carry the whole of CIG. Assuming they are stupid enough to continue funding after 150+ million has been lost.

I would argue that the slow burn has already started. Perhaps even as far back as the TOS change last June. That was the point when some of the really deep-in whales realized they were not going to get the accountability they were promised and certainly wouldn't be seeing the game any time soon.

I think we're seeing the start of a new stage of the slow collapse now. I was watching the 6+ hour livestream that BoredGamer and some of the other SC YT guys did. And while they were still ooh-ing and aah-ing over the "tech", there was also a lot of cringing and awkward silences during the stream where you could tell their faith was being sorely tested. These guys amount to the core of the SC hype train and if they go, the project will be doomed in short order.


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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #921 on: August 30, 2017, 04:40:09 AM »
Just putting this out there - is it time to let Serendipity back in?

I would imagine that he'll be a little more muted in his support of CIG after the GamesCom debacle.

The presentation excited me and disappointed. The live streaming was ok. I liked the face stuff, pretty cool, but find myself wondering about progress. Not enough new stuff shown for a year's development imo. Crashes bugs and glitches I can forgive easily enough but to not see mining working in a bare bones form or any other game play stuff was disappointing. Seeing a couple of Idrii having a battle was cool.

What it all meant for me was 3.0 is still a ways off, Squadron 42 needs to be shown at Citizencon, I will be wanting a webcam at some point in the future and Derek Smart is full of shit.

His 'sources' completely failed to let him know 3.0 was being used at the convention, that they had partnered with face dudes and got that in the game and there was going to be a capital ship battle between two ships that can't fit into memory, according to him.

He was supposed to be making predictions before the event to prove he had an insider...never happened. He was proclamating before the event they would be streaming 2.6...never happened. He's previously said an Idris doesn't fit into memory...has happened, 2 of them in fact.

Then Mister doesn't use alts gets busted forgetting which one he's logged in as...which just nails the coffin lid down even further on his credibility.

A cool couple of million dollars in a few days suggest this 'debacle' ain't as bad as all that and I've seen a few positive articles written about the presentation from journalists.

So, overall, I found the whole of Gamescom from SC's perspective to be mildly disappointing but Derek's narrative to be complete and utter rubbish. He doesn't know anything about the company or have any insiders worth listening to. He certainly doesn't have access to anyone who may have financial data and his educated guesses are worse than mine.

One thing I was wondering though, maybe Derek can help me out with this, is just how many online words Derek has typed up since the start of Gamescom. Counting all the posts here, on SA, blogs, tweets, under articles about SC and God knows how many alts or other places, just how many words have you posted in a week Derek? Your obsession is unhealthy.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2017, 04:52:48 AM by Serendipity »

Knight Solaire

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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #922 on: August 30, 2017, 04:48:25 AM »
Just putting this out there - is it time to let Serendipity back in?

Yeah... Welp, I'm over it.  :eyepop:


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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #923 on: August 30, 2017, 05:03:24 AM »
Just putting this out there - is it time to let Serendipity back in?

I'll just be quiet next time.

Typically, he's trying to avoid the issue of GamesCom by deflecting criticism (unjustifiably) at Derek instead.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2017, 05:05:01 AM by N0mad »


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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #924 on: August 30, 2017, 05:15:12 AM »
Just putting this out there - is it time to let Serendipity back in?

I'll just be quiet next time.

Typically, he's trying to avoid the issue of GamesCom by deflecting criticism (unjustifiably) at Derek instead.

I gave my assesment. It's not as bad as some think. Derek's credibility is worth investigating. It's seeming more and more like he's full of it every week.


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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #925 on: August 30, 2017, 05:23:13 AM »
You guys should really stop highlighting the inconsequential stuff and concentrate on the real questions. Bugs and glitches and boxes being invisible are not a big deal. Not showing mining or bounty hunting or other game mechanics is a big deal. Perhaps citizencon will show more and I'm waiting until then to make my mind up about this presentation. Gamescom is more for new players to find out about SC where as Citizencon is supposed to be for the backers to find out more.

Gamescom showed a lot of people where the game wants to go and it seems a lot of people liked it. But then the tracker is bullshit and only a few whales continue to support the game and blah blah blah...

They've made enough to support them until citizencon where they'll make enough again to support them until the anniversary which will make enough to support them until the holiday sale and onwards and upwards. We'll be here talking about SC for quite some time yet guys, and we won't be talking about a catastrophic collapse either. Unless I get banned again of course but que sera sera.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2017, 05:25:11 AM by Serendipity »

Knight Solaire

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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #926 on: August 30, 2017, 05:33:22 AM »
You guys should really stop highlighting the inconsequential stuff and concentrate on the real questions. Bugs and glitches and boxes being invisible are not a big deal. Not showing mining or bounty hunting or other game mechanics is a big deal. Perhaps citizencon will show more and I'm waiting until then to make my mind up about this presentation.

There's been plenty of discussion about this. We like to laugh at allthe bugs and glitches, but one of the most prominent topics on these boards over the years has been the lack of ANY real gameplay. So, far (after 6 years and $156M) they've shown a single scripted fetch quest. AND basically shown the exact same quest two years in a row.

This, despite Chris saying definitively last year that 3.0 would contain all of the basic professions such as bounty hunting, trading, mining, etc. If they had any of those professions even partially working, don't you think they would have demoed that at Gamescom? This should be a huge red flag to any backer.

In the end, the Gamescom demo this year was just a deception like last year. Pretty pictures and fancy "tech" designed to keep their fans from asking the real questions about the lack of any gameplay.


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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #927 on: August 30, 2017, 05:36:36 AM »
Just putting this out there - is it time to let Serendipity back in?

I'll just be quiet next time.

Typically, he's trying to avoid the issue of GamesCom by deflecting criticism (unjustifiably) at Derek instead.

I gave my assesment. It's not as bad as some think. Derek's credibility is worth investigating. It's seeming more and more like he's full of it every week.
Sounds more like you gave your ASSessment, you're just full of shit, I'm 100% positive that Derek has insider knowledge, thing is that he can't tell everything as this might put his source at risk, apparently you don't know how this works, you don't just pass on confidential information like that.
And the game you're defending is a pure scam and it's more than mind-boggling that people buy ships like crazy when they don't have the slightest idea how good they'll be once the game will be released, but yes, go ahead and drop another 1k on a jpeg.

Spunky Munkee

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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #928 on: August 30, 2017, 05:44:51 AM »
Ummm. It's not about Derek.
Nobody is trying to get their money back from Derek.
Derek has not made an ass of himself streaming live around the world showing off his $157 Million dollar failure.
Derek does not need to prove his credibility because he has not taken countless Millions of backers money and pissed it away like a drunken sailor on a half baked dream that will never work.
I think there is a separate area to discus Derek's games, this is the Star Citizen discussion forum.
Derek has not been caught tripping on his own lies repeatedly.

You cultists always come to the anti cult page trying to make the weak appear to be the strong, the wrong to be the right. You have one problem, this project is an abysmal failure. There was nothing they could show that worked well, nothing to indicate that the last years efforts of 400 employees was well spent, well directed and managed and that the backers actually have something worthwhile to use and gauge the project's progress by. If this was a Saturn moon launch it would have resulted in Gus Grissoms death.

Please show us something in that presentation where we can look and be blown away by the BDSSE.
Something, anything?
You cannot. Why. This project was led by an inept buffoon who talked a good game but was in way over his pointy head.
The chickens are coming home to roost. You seem to think that you are scoring some sort of victory here.
I was watching the Goons You Tube video and almost pissed myself because it was just that bad.

Is your game so boring and lacking in content that you would rather spend time here? You know, you don't need to keep your money tied up in the game and you could still try arguing for Roberts, it does not cost anything to be wrong and publicly admit it.


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Re: Star Citizen - The E.L.E.
« Reply #929 on: August 30, 2017, 05:45:20 AM »
I like how the shitizens accuse anyone whom complains about the timeline (and the lack of hitting deadlines in any meaningful fashion) of not knowing about game development (although many people, such as myself in fact are very fluently versed in the world of software development tyvm) but when Derek comes along and satisfies that requirement they go off on some weird tangent and instead attack Derek's character. Such cognitive dissonance is, frankly, worrying but no longer surprising.

It reminds me of one of the opening scenes of the film Nineteen Eighty Four where the members of the outer-party shout for several minutes at the screen of Emmanuel Goldstein and indoctrinate themselves in to hating him; for no reason other than that's the party line they have been told to follow. Chris may well be Big Brother in their eyes but when this whole fiasco has blown over and prison sentences handed out, I have a feeling he will instead more resemble a Ginger Stepchild.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2017, 05:47:32 AM by helimoth »


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