These Shitizens are proponents of "Alternative Facts", that bizarre phenomenon that seems to have gotten a grip of so many previously sane people.
It doesn't matter if the evidence is there in front of them in black and white they will deny it if it doesn't support their dreams.
Dunning-Kruger. Cognitive dissonance. Forest for the trees. Doesn't matter. Who are you gonna believe, Chris Roberts or your lying eyes? :toot:
Dr. Smart, a while back you posted a chart showing several AAA titles compared to SC, specifically showing how long it took them to go from alpha, to beta, to release. I think you might want to trot that out again.
I still worry that there will be fallout from SC collapsing, hitting crowdfunding in general. While I don't crowdfund a lot, I'd hate to see it crippled under stupid regulation thanks to CR's mendacity.