So, this one...
Well, he started feeding me bullshit weeks ago. The minute he revealed his name to be "Steve", which Shitizens tend to associate with me because I narrated an
NPC pilot named Steve in one of my games, I knew I had caught a live one.
And I would have milked him dry too, except for the fact that they have no fucking clue what a "long troll" is. So they caved in. I was hoping that we'd keep it going until at least GamesCom.'m guessing it's safe to say you didn't trust this source but used his info just to have some fun with the fanboys. And that the actual facts regarding Games Com are waiting until August 22.
Hence the first Tweet in this:, one could and will argue that you used the above quote just to cover your ass in case they pulled one on you. So, is there any proof that you actually had him and that he is "forgetting" to mention that in his parade postings?
I get crap sent to me all this time. It's nothing new. So does TheAgent (a Goon on SA). Usually we just blurt it out regardless.
Unlike TheAgent, my real sources are all "known" people. I know a LOT of industry people, and even those I don't know, I verified via LinkedIn (the best place) and/or Facebook messaging. My most reliable source is a guy named Ray Roocroft.
ps: I think our posts crossed. The "proof" was his saying his name was "Steve".
I was basically ignoring him because after I checked with my "real" sources, I figured that it was in fact bullshit, even though the "Steve" was a dead giveaway. Those guys aren't very bright, you see.
Since I have always seen them refer to me as Steve and Lucas, after 3 emails from him - especially since I was ignoring him and he kept prodding me - I decided to engage.
So after I read the emails (only after he sent me the 4th one asking if I had received the previous ones, since I wasn't responding), that's when the "Steve" thing hit me. I asked him directly. There is no "Steve" short name in German.
And we were off to the races.
Then I decided to use his FUD to increase the anxiety level of Shitizens. I knew it had to be one of them because they do this shit all the time, as TheAgent knows very well.
It was this email from Aug 2nd, that prompted me to tweet his FUD on Aug 3rd to see how long before he would "out" himself
Egosoft (devs of the X series) isn't hiring. And they're certainly not hiring a "backend" engineer. worked, and it smoked him out because on Aug 4th
he outed himselfShortly after sharing his opus on Discord, I then sent him a final email before my Tweet over there, the Tribe of Utterly Retarded Dumbfucks (TURDs) who had NO clue wtf was even going on, were already self-owning themselves - hard.'re a bunch of dumb fucks. So it's no surprise they're so engaged and involved in Star Citizen.