145 million usd achieved in total. The refunds, the monthly ships CIG get their employees to buy, grey market sales. Don't add up in my mind. I've also noticed the forums are dead as well as the reddit pages. Very few people are actually using the forums, and even fewer use the reddit page.
The excuse is "most people who pledge just pledge and leave" i don't think thats the only explanationan at all here.
It would be interesting to get some statistics on the amount of traffic on their site for per day.
Not to mention how the community lives in denial, and everytime Derek is wrong about something he said about the game. They take it as a victory... Wat?
Most of us don't even own the game. Or have gotten a refund, we are the ones who have zero usd spend on the game. We can buy it for 60$ if they manage to create it or we can start dissecting the corpse if it fails.