Author Topic: Star Citizen Scoops, Musings and Blogs  (Read 785001 times)


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Re: Star Citizen Scoops, Musings and Blogs
« Reply #435 on: January 27, 2019, 09:58:11 AM »
I'll go out on a very thick and long limb and predict that SQ42 is going to continue to be a f*cking distaster like everything Chris Roberts puts his hatchet to...

Acting could be good, it could also be shitty. So sure, their acting could be great and totally on point.
But than again i'd rather see a film directed by Quentin Tarantino with Steven Seagall as major actor than one directed by Uwe Boll with Ben Kingsley as major actor. As even the best performance as 'Ned' (or however he dubbed the role) Skywalker couldn't save a shitty movie. Though CnCs videos always felt more enjoyable to me than Wing Comanders...
So for me the real argument shouldn't be about the quality of any possible acting, but more on the logic of finishing cut sequences before being quite far into actual development - so in the production of the stuff that actually should fill peoples leisure time with most games.

I believe that SQ42 will become anything, when it actually gets released. Because so far i haven't really enjoyed playing with unfinished core gameplay loops in greybox levels.
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Re: Star Citizen Scoops, Musings and Blogs
« Reply #436 on: January 27, 2019, 09:59:21 AM »
I'll go out on a very thick and long limb and predict that SQ42 is going to be a f*cking distaster like everything Chris Roberts puts his hatchet to...

You aren't exactly Mystic Meg with that prediction :D


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Re: Star Citizen Scoops, Musings and Blogs
« Reply #437 on: January 27, 2019, 02:31:05 PM »
I'll go out on a very thick and long limb and predict that SQ42 is going to continue to be a f*cking distaster like everything Chris Roberts puts his hatchet to...

"Stay frosty."


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Re: Star Citizen Scoops, Musings and Blogs
« Reply #438 on: January 28, 2019, 07:08:24 AM »
Can a bad movie have good acting in it?
Did I mention the quality of the game/movie?
Was I only questioning the comment regarding the quality of acting being 'really, really wooden', with no mention as to the game itself being good or bad?

Please answer those questions in your head, read your response and wonder, as I did, u wot m8?

Squadron 42 has become much more than an updated Wing Commander. So at last, we agree, it won't resemble the original pitch. It'll be much more. Isn't that part of you guys' problem? Trying to do too much.

I'm looking forward to it. I reckon it'll be a fun few hours in the UEE navy thing.

You appear to be confused. Let's recap:


"At least try to put your hatred to one side occasionally. Why would you expect the acting to be 'really, really wooden'? The cast is full of excellent actors, especially that Gardiner, I hear she's a real talent...

But seriously, Gary Oldman, Mark Strong, John Rhys Davies, Gillian Anderson, Andy Serkis...they're pretty damn good."


"Oh yeah, because NONE of those people have ever been in a bad movie. Are you serious (you are)."

Now that I look back, it appears as if you were being sarcastic when you added Sandi "Mae Demming" Gardiner in there. If you're not, please let me know so I can resume laughing.

Regardless, having excellent actors in a movie doesn't say anything about the quality of the movie. And in this regard, even though it's performance acting for cut-scenes in a video game, it's safe to expect that with a cretin like croberts at the helm, it's going to be cringe-worthy more because of the script, than about the acting of any of the actors (besides our hometown girl, Sandi).

Squadron 42 has become much more than an updated Wing Commander. So at last, we agree, it won't resemble the original pitch. It'll be much more. Isn't that part of you guys' problem? Trying to do too much.

Nonsense. Very few people give a shit about SQ42, neither as a game, nor a movie. The issue about the increased scope of the project is about Star Citizen, not SQ42. How could anyone have speculated about SQ42 in that regard, when nobody knew much about it besides trailers and three shitty vertical slices? Heck, the schedule only showed up in Dec 2018.
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen Scoops, Musings and Blogs
« Reply #439 on: January 28, 2019, 08:19:09 AM »
You appear to be confused. Let's recap:


"At least try to put your hatred to one side occasionally. Why would you expect the acting to be 'really, really wooden'? The cast is full of excellent actors, especially that Gardiner, I hear she's a real talent...

But seriously, Gary Oldman, Mark Strong, John Rhys Davies, Gillian Anderson, Andy Serkis...they're pretty damn good."


"Oh yeah, because NONE of those people have ever been in a bad movie. Are you serious (you are)."

Now that I look back, it appears as if you were being sarcastic when you added Sandi "Mae Demming" Gardiner in there. If you're not, please let me know so I can resume laughing.

Regardless, having excellent actors in a movie doesn't say anything about the quality of the movie. And in this regard, even though it's performance acting for cut-scenes in a video game, it's safe to expect that with a cretin like croberts at the helm, it's going to be cringe-worthy more because of the script, than about the acting of any of the actors (besides our hometown girl, Sandi).

Nonsense. Very few people give a shit about SQ42, neither as a game, nor a movie. The issue about the increased scope of the project is about Star Citizen, not SQ42. How could anyone have speculated about SQ42 in that regard, when nobody knew much about it besides trailers and three shitty vertical slices? Heck, the schedule only showed up in Dec 2018.

Holy jeesuz on a motorbike! It's like talking to people with late stage Alzheimer's trying to converse with you guys at times.

I'm not confused. At all. I made a comment questioning how anyone would predict terrible acting from a selection of world class Sandi. That was it. That was my point. Nothing more.

You all start telling me that good acting doesn't make a good film! I never suggested it did. I never said squadron was going to be great, I never said the writing was going to blow us all away. I never said the directing would be impressive.

All I said was that it's reasonable to expect a decent level of acting from very good actors.


You all started going on about how Chris couldn't make a good game and the writing is going to be cringe worthy and he's a bad director blah blah blah, none of which had any relevance to my original comment.

There are plenty of people interested and excited by Squadron. To suggest otherwise is daft. Perhaps they haven't explicitly stated this but here's what I believe happened to it.

It was getting made as a simple wing commander update but then the magic Germans made planetary landings possible and it all got re imagined and remade causing the delays and conspiracy theories to run wild.

But whatever, suggesting Squadron hasn't increased in scope in a similar way to SC seems naive at best and malicious rumour mongering at worst.

Please allow me a moment to assess if you're more likely to be naive or malicious. BRB...


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Re: Star Citizen Scoops, Musings and Blogs
« Reply #440 on: January 28, 2019, 01:45:21 PM »
Holy jeesuz on a motorbike! It's like talking to people with late stage Alzheimer's trying to converse with you guys at times.

I'm not confused. At all. I made a comment questioning how anyone would predict terrible acting from a selection of world class Sandi. That was it. That was my point. Nothing more.

The disconnect for me is looking the current tech demo considering Chris promised a 50 mission fps with mo-capping and SC for 5.5mill if you stop at that tier. I believe that actors can help the bottom line of a game. Unfortunately we where denied an "Audited accounting" so we will never know without leaks how much Chris really spent on the mo-capping. I truly believe there was no way he could offer two games, 70 systems and celebrity mo-capping for 5.5m. Considering the true numbers of ship devs and mo-capping I would not be surprise that a very large and unconscionable bulk of funds went down that hole. I lack faith that even  if the actors provided us with oscar winning performances that Chris will be able to deliver. That is the crux of why there an uncrossable barrier for the two groups, I believe based on reasonable evidence that SC is being used for an ATM machine.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2019, 04:06:56 PM by jwh1701 »


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Re: Star Citizen Scoops, Musings and Blogs
« Reply #441 on: January 28, 2019, 02:04:52 PM »
Holy jeesuz on a motorbike! It's like talking to people with late stage Alzheimer's trying to converse with you guys at times.


All I said was that it's reasonable to expect a decent level of acting from very good actors.

Most of us agreed, but qualified it by stating that as long as croberts was involved - in any capacity - that it would be shit that even the best actors (including Mae Demming) can't save  :negativeman-55f:
« Last Edit: January 28, 2019, 02:06:33 PM by dsmart »
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen Scoops, Musings and Blogs
« Reply #442 on: January 28, 2019, 08:52:16 PM »
I lack faith that even  if the actors provided us with oscar winning performances that Chris will be able to deliver. That is the crux of why there an uncrossable barrier for the two groups, I believe based on reasonable evidence that SC is being used for an ATM machine.

Exactly, even if there were good performances from the genre actors in S42, it won't matter if the game sucks. Fans of the celebs can now just watch the cutscenes for any game on yt anyways. CR thinks he can still use the trope of using celebs in cutscenes which he helped start to mask a boondoggle and a scandalous siphoning of millions of whaler funds. Back then cutscenes had some value as extra decor and design which game graphics couldn't provide, but now most may not notice or even care what mo-capped actor is behind the npc character mouthing off a speech.

Agreed the evidence and just common sense points to SC used as a ponzi atm. After the KS initially boomed and CR amassed far more millions than he'd expected, he'd already decided to siphon the sucker whales as best as CIG marketing could. Around that time in the co-interview of CR and Braben, you can see it in CR's dazed drunk expressions, the scheming going on in his noggin, while Braben is emphasizing technical debt and responsibility to get ED out to the supporters. When CR realized he'd screwed up trying to plug a spacesim+fpvs into cryengine, he still had his plan to siphon and serve koolaid and backdoor shilling.

Aya Reiko

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Re: Star Citizen Scoops, Musings and Blogs
« Reply #443 on: January 29, 2019, 12:28:36 PM »
Agreed the evidence and just common sense points to SC used as a ponzi atm. After the KS initially boomed and CR amassed far more millions than he'd expected, he'd already decided to siphon the sucker whales as best as CIG marketing could. Around that time in the co-interview of CR and Braben, you can see it in CR's dazed drunk expressions, the scheming going on in his noggin, while Braben is emphasizing technical debt and responsibility to get ED out to the supporters. When CR realized he'd screwed up trying to plug a spacesim+fpvs into cryengine, he still had his plan to siphon and serve koolaid and backdoor shilling.
I disagree with you an itty-bitty bit. I don't think the thing is being used as ponzi atm by all of them, it's being used as ponzi atm by everyone but CRoberts, who is too deluded into thinking he's making the greatest game ever and getting his ticket back into Hollywood.  The rest, oh you better believe they're raiding the company's coffers.  Once the whole thing implodes, everyone, most definitely including Sandi and Erin, will hightail it to parts unknown leaving CRoberts holding the bag.


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Re: Star Citizen Scoops, Musings and Blogs
« Reply #444 on: January 29, 2019, 12:42:29 PM »
I disagree with you an itty-bitty bit. I don't think the thing is being used as ponzi atm by all of them, it's being used as ponzi atm by everyone but CRoberts, who is too deluded into thinking he's making the greatest game ever and getting his ticket back into Hollywood.  The rest, oh you better believe they're raiding the company's coffers.  Once the whole thing implodes, everyone, most definitely including Sandi and Erin, will hightail it to parts unknown leaving CRoberts holding the bag.

It would be great if Chris was on the moral high ground concerning money. But when I see the 3 amigos create stock to sell and profit to the tune of 2+mill between them it really reinforces my belief that Chris's intent is solely about the money.  Remember the IP buy
back that they also profited from, based on past actions I'm unable to see from any angle that could lead me to believe its about the backers. Ortwin and Chris have a long history together with funny money schemes, I truly believe they are working in harmony concerning the money.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2019, 05:05:17 PM by jwh1701 »


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Re: Star Citizen Scoops, Musings and Blogs
« Reply #445 on: February 08, 2019, 04:46:14 PM »
Just a reminder that as of today, CI-minus-G has yet to ship a single game - of any kind; and most likely never will
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen Scoops, Musings and Blogs
« Reply #446 on: February 09, 2019, 10:10:43 AM »
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen Scoops, Musings and Blogs
« Reply #448 on: February 09, 2019, 06:18:24 PM »
Latest FUD!

14.35  in this is just great.  Look at those shifty eyes and then listen to what the is saying...   

Having managed projects myself and recruited many project managers,  he describes the process here in a way that is not indicative of someone trying to manage a commercial project.

It is as though it is his job to sit there and describe the bits of work coming in rather than be trying to hit a set of planned milestones to get to an objective.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2019, 06:22:30 PM by StanTheMan »


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Re: Star Citizen Scoops, Musings and Blogs
« Reply #449 on: February 10, 2019, 05:40:40 AM »
Latest FUD!

Thanks for the update. It's a hoot to see how they've dropped everything to try to make a single player something now for their investor now that time is up for their SC charade. I wish them luck, .. well actually I don't. The whole thing needs to be exposed bigtime on "American Greed" as an example and lesson that they were the lowest of the lows, incl. NMS, and how they siphoned the idiot whalers through their .jpg stores, and all their shenanigans like TOS refund changes, the paid for shilling, the ATV's , devmaps, etc.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2019, 05:45:12 AM by krylite »


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