Just putting this here for completeness. There is still no public schedule for SQ42, despite croberts saying it would be made available in Dec 2017.
Reverse The Verse - Jan 28th 2018@41:48
Chris Roberts:There's THOUSANDS of tasks and the information is OVERWHELMING.
So we sort of show the very HIGH LEVEL, ah, you know, what we would call an EPIC, ah, or in some cases sort of a SAGA which is overwhelming... over... quite a few EPICS... I know they... always thought of it... EPICS, SAGAS, STORIES... TASKS!
Ah, but... um... ah, so... so... so... so... so... so we... we... we ex... we EXPOSE those and we mark which ones are public facing, ah we WANTED to get the ROADMAP in people's hands which is why we went LIVE with it here... but they still have, ah... ORGANISATION work to do because they gotta take the way JIRA was set up BEFORE, some of it's been done, not all of it's been done, so they have to change it around because the... they gotta organise under the right EPICS and everything
So in the case where they don't feel COMFORTABLE that they don't have it organised properly and it's DUPICATE TASKS cos you know sometimes there were tasks set up from BEFORE but now we're setting it up on this new one, so in those cases they just choose not to show that epic publically until they have it... ah... in SHAPE, ah, so you'll see that ROADMAP, ehm... we'll get more THINGS added to it... ah, of course things also will... MOVE AROUND a little bit as... maybe a bit more information comes to light or how it's going
But that's the BEAUTY of it, it's gonna be A HUNDRED PERCENT LIVE reflection of the tool that we use to manage all the teams and we're using exactly the same process on Squadron 42 which is gonna get me to the end... to... the ANSWER... the original question which is, 'are you gonna get there to a roadmap like that', and... YES... ha! And YES, we... we will... ah... eh... we will... ah, if you look on the side there's a Star Citizen logo, there will be a Squadron 42 logo... you'll get the ROADMAP
So once we have the Squadron 42... ah... TASKS and EPICS all cleaned up and ready to go... we uh... then we'll also TURN THAT ON and share it
It may not be done on a QUARTERLY it may be done on a MONTHLY I'm not quite SURE
We're still discussing, ah, um, kind of a COLUMN FORMAT for it, ah... but it will, again, SCRUB LIVE from all the... the TASKS that we have, ah, and EPICS and SAGAS that we have entered, ahm, for finishing out Squadron 42