MMO, Mass of Morons Online.
The only way they can see 3.0 is from some dude with the most up to date top of the line PC capturing it on You Tube. Luckily they can all experience the thrill of it all, taking off, flying in a straight line, re entering a moon's atmosphere landing, taking off...repeat...
Nothing to do but they are all OOH AAH, I can't wait!
To do what exactly?
I didn't even see a single pirate spawn.
Even through all of that you can still see frame rate issues under the best of circumstances.
I see some new names pumping out videos, I have to wonder if these were done in house by CIG and handed out? It wouldn't surprise me one bit. This whole thing has been a cock and bull story.
I don't know if that expression is universally used, a bullshit story. Fiction to entice continued financial support for Chris to take a crash course in modern game development.
He probably could have earned enough money to float his project by making this whole development a reality show. It would have been like American Chopper, Ben Lesnick as Mikey :ohdear: It would have been very entertaining. Obviously Chris would play the part of Pops, :smith: the blowhard who storms around to say it's my way or the highway. He could make a lot of money and his wife could get screen time
See how well that works out. America loves to watch dopey people cause problems, make mistakes. It would have had universal appeal. They could have had the guys from Top Gear :) narrate and mock Robbers. BBC would have picked it up, Home boy screws up every week, ratings heaven. Get Honey Boo Boo :stare: and Momma June
to come in too.