Author Topic: Star Citizen General BS  (Read 2648315 times)


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1110 on: September 08, 2017, 08:52:21 PM »
I suspect one of the games (SC or SQ42) to release in 3 or 4 years from now, and the other to come out sometime after that.
Assuming the primary platform of that 2011 CryEngine still exists in 2022 (I doubt it, Windows PC is on its way out). From where do another 160 million dollars of funding come from?


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1111 on: September 08, 2017, 09:06:11 PM »
I suspect one of the games (SC or SQ42) to release in 3 or 4 years from now, and the other to come out sometime after that.
Assuming the primary platform of that 2011 CryEngine still exists in 2022 (I doubt it, Windows PC is on its way out). From where do another 160 million dollars of funding come from?

Windows PC is far from being on the way out.  People have been saying that PC gaming is dying for many decades now, and there is no indication that PC gaming or even Windows PC is going to "die".  Also I doubt Amazon is going to abandon Lumberyard any time soon.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1112 on: September 08, 2017, 11:04:50 PM »
I suspect one of the games (SC or SQ42) to release in 3 or 4 years from now, and the other to come out sometime after that.

Based on what? The supporters of SC are actually doing the things they accuse DS of doing? MAKING STUFF UP! Game was supposed to be out years ago, and that's straight from the mouth of croberts. All DS does is take the information spewed forth from croberts and co. and uses his experience  in the industry to explain why delay upon delay is occurring, why they will deplete funds prior to releasing the full game (which is no longer what was initially promised), and gives his opinions.

croberts has outright lied to you and all your other SC brethren,("3.0 will be released Dec 2016"), why do you have such blind faith in croberts? What has he done to prove to anyone that he will come through in the end?

What croberts excels at is marketing - lots of pretty pictures, videos, R&D demos to suck people in - They have accomplished nothing since Dec. 2016. The 3.0 he  announced back then has been shrunk and delayed, shrunk and delayed.  I ask again, what has croberts done besides make grandiose promises that have been scaled back and still only have a tech demo alpha to show for it? After 6 +years.

I pledged back in Oct 2012. I got out last year. Not because of anything DS wrote, but because it was pretty easy to see all the red flags popping up on this project. It was no longer the game I pledged my money towards.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2017, 11:07:03 PM by ecg »


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1113 on: September 08, 2017, 11:34:32 PM »
I suspect one of the games (SC or SQ42) to release in 3 or 4 years from now, and the other to come out sometime after that.

Based on what?

I already answered this early in this thread, around page 70.
And I disagree about Chris Roberts lying about when things would be released, otherwise you would have to say every single developer is a liar when ever they have something that is late, I dont't call them liars unless there is actual proof that  when they gave the release date they knew it was not possible.  Chris Roberts has always been bad at giving good release dates, it is one of his flaws among his perfectionism and his management style, and this is all stuff I knew before I put my $60 into this game.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1114 on: September 09, 2017, 12:23:17 AM »
I suspect one of the games (SC or SQ42) to release in 3 or 4 years from now, and the other to come out sometime after that.

Based on what?

I already answered this early in this thread, around page 70.
And I disagree about Chris Roberts lying about when things would be released, otherwise you would have to say every single developer is a liar when ever they have something that is late, I don't call them liars unless there is actual proof that  when they gave the release date they knew it was not possible.  Chris Roberts has always been bad at giving good release dates, it is one of his flaws among his perfectionism and his management style, and this is all stuff I knew before I put my $60 into this game.

What you are describing is not to far from "Cult of Personality". Believe what you want its your money. I paraphrase -  "We are delaying 3.0 until Dec 2016 for more polish"  It is not released and over 6 mos. later it has been scaled back and is still months away according to their own reports. That is not misjudging a date - that is giving a release date they know is not possible, otherwise known as a lie. But hey, spin it any way you want to maintain your croberts worship level. When is croberts advancement to  sainthood scheduled?


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1115 on: September 09, 2017, 12:23:30 AM »
I suspect one of the games (SC or SQ42) to release in 3 or 4 years from now, and the other to come out sometime after that.

Based on what?

I already answered this early in this thread, around page 70.
And I disagree about Chris Roberts lying about when things would be released, otherwise you would have to say every single developer is a liar when ever they have something that is late, I dont't call them liars unless there is actual proof that  when they gave the release date they knew it was not possible.  Chris Roberts has always been bad at giving good release dates, it is one of his flaws among his perfectionism and his management style, and this is all stuff I knew before I put my $60 into this game.

I feel for you, I really do feel for you.

I already gave you one homework assignment, to study what a Ponzi Scheme is and correlate it with SC's current funding model.

Your next assignment after that is to watch both live streams form GamesCon '16, and GamesCon '17 in their entirety. You will compare and contrast the promises made by Chris Roberts in both, and you will also note any, and all differences between the demo's shown. 

After that we will have a discussion on whether Chris Roberts knew that the promises he was making in 2016 were completely unattainable, ie... complete and total lies, malice aforethought, mens rhea? Or were the statements that Chris Roberts made caused by his pathological perfectionism. Can that dysfunction solely excuse him from spewing patently false statements out of his ass on stage?

If you still think that researching the details of what Chris Roberts has repeatedly promised, and repeatedly failed to deliver, pertaining to SC, is an act of futility. Then I would have to advise you that your best bet is to stop posting here. Because really, what's the point then?



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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1116 on: September 09, 2017, 12:26:36 AM »
I suspect one of the games (SC or SQ42) to release in 3 or 4 years from now, and the other to come out sometime after that.

Based on what?

I already answered this early in this thread, around page 70.
And I disagree about Chris Roberts lying about when things would be released, otherwise you would have to say every single developer is a liar when ever they have something that is late, I don't call them liars unless there is actual proof that  when they gave the release date they knew it was not possible.  Chris Roberts has always been bad at giving good release dates, it is one of his flaws among his perfectionism and his management style, and this is all stuff I knew before I put my $60 into this game.

What you are describing is not to far from "Cult of Personality". Believe what you want its your money. I paraphrase -  "We are delaying 3.0 until Dec 2016 for more polish"  It is not released and over 6 mos. later it has been scaled back and is still months away according to their own reports. That is not misjudging a date - that is giving a release date they know is not possible, otherwise known as a lie. But hey, spin it any way you want to maintain your croberts worship level. When is croberts advancement to  sainthood scheduled?

Saying I worship Chris Roberts is a personal insult. /rolleyes
You know nothing about me.

It is not cult thinking, it is not worship, it was fully knowing exactly what my money was going into with all the risks associated with it, also knowing about Chris Roberts and all of his faults.  And SC/SQ42 was far from biggest reason why I pledged in the first place, the 2 games are only a very small reason.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2017, 12:30:39 AM by Moeis »


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1117 on: September 09, 2017, 12:45:52 AM »
Saying I worship Chris Roberts is a personal insult. /rolleyes
You know nothing about me.

It is not cult thinking, it is not worship, it was fully knowing exactly what my money was going into with all the risks associated with it, also knowing about Chris Roberts and all of his faults.

The thing is, people who belong to a cult don't realise they are in one until they've left. Everything you've posted here already demonstrates a massive lack of critical thinking towards Chris Roberts and CIG.

At some point in the future when all this has finally collapsed you're going to take a step back and say to yourself  'WTF was I thinking'.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1118 on: September 09, 2017, 12:53:37 AM »
Saying I worship Chris Roberts is a personal insult. /rolleyes
You know nothing about me.

It is not cult thinking, it is not worship, it was fully knowing exactly what my money was going into with all the risks associated with it, also knowing about Chris Roberts and all of his faults.  And SC/SQ42 was far from biggest reason why I pledged in the first place, the 2 games are only a very small reason.

If you have already studied all of Croberts faults, and after all of that you still decided that adding your own money to the bonfire was something you absolutely needed to do.

Then what really was your motivation?

Seriously that's the only traction you're going to get on this forum based on your previous responses...


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1119 on: September 09, 2017, 12:53:39 AM »
Saying I worship Chris Roberts is a personal insult. /rolleyes
You know nothing about me.

It is not cult thinking, it is not worship, it was fully knowing exactly what my money was going into with all the risks associated with it, also knowing about Chris Roberts and all of his faults.

The thing is, people who belong to a cult don't realise they are in one until they've left. Everything you've posted here already demonstrates a massive lack of critical thinking towards Chris Roberts and CIG.

At some point in the future when all this has finally collapsed you're going to take a step back and say 'What the fuck was I thinking'.

Nope, nothing I posted here demonstrated anything you are saying.  How many times do I have to say that everything that has been happening was something I fully expected to happen because I know the history of Chris Roberts?  I knew exactly what I was getting into, I knew exactly it was going to be a turbulent and long development full of drama and massive delays.  Like I said, me putting in my $60 wasn't even mainly for SC/SQ42 in the first place, it was about being a voice towards the industry.

You guys do not seem to get that, and then you claim I don't have the critical thinking skills? /rolleyes


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1120 on: September 09, 2017, 12:55:01 AM »
Saying I worship Chris Roberts is a personal insult. /rolleyes
You know nothing about me.

It is not cult thinking, it is not worship, it was fully knowing exactly what my money was going into with all the risks associated with it, also knowing about Chris Roberts and all of his faults.  And SC/SQ42 was far from biggest reason why I pledged in the first place, the 2 games are only a very small reason.

If you have already studied all of Croberts faults, and after all of that you still decided that adding your own money to the bonfire was something you absolutely needed to do.

Then what really was your motivation?

Seriously that's the only traction you're going to get on this forum based on you previous responses...

I made a new thread about my motivations and how I already got my $60 worth


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1121 on: September 09, 2017, 01:42:22 AM »

Try to engage each other without falling back on a label. Make your arguments, that's fine.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1122 on: September 09, 2017, 04:52:02 AM »
Assuming the primary platform of that 2011 CryEngine still exists in 2022 (I doubt it, Windows PC is on its way out). From where do another 160 million dollars of funding come from?
Windows PC is far from being on the way out.  People have been saying that PC gaming is dying for many decades now, and there is no indication that PC gaming or even Windows PC is going to "die".
Proof attached covering the time span since Star Citizen is in production.
There is a reason why Microsoft is in panic mode since 2015.
There is a reason why publishers turned Chris Roberts down.

You evaded the question about the additional funding.

Also I doubt Amazon is going to abandon Lumberyard any time soon.
Amazon doesn't care about PC gaming, Lumberyard is a cross platform engine.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2017, 04:54:18 AM by Backer42 »


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1123 on: September 09, 2017, 05:00:55 AM »
Assuming the primary platform of that 2011 CryEngine still exists in 2022 (I doubt it, Windows PC is on its way out). From where do another 160 million dollars of funding come from?
Windows PC is far from being on the way out.  People have been saying that PC gaming is dying for many decades now, and there is no indication that PC gaming or even Windows PC is going to "die".
Proof attached covering the time span since Star Citizen is in production.
There is a reason why Microsoft is in panic mode since 2015.
There is a reason why publishers turned Chris Roberts down.

You evaded the question about the additional funding.

Also I doubt Amazon is going to abandon Lumberyard any time soon.
Amazon doesn't care about PC gaming, Lumberyard is a cross platform engine.

I am sorry, but no, just no.  Android/iOS are serving a different market than Windows is, that is literally a bad comparison to make, and the PC gaming market has been growing for years now, while the console market has been shrinking.  The comparison you are making is like trying to compare the market share of Cars to the market share of Airplanes, they are all modes of transportation, but using your logic airplanes are on their way out because there are more cars than airplanes.

There is also a reason why publishers turned down people like Larian Studios and Obsidian for the kind of games they wanted to make.
Lumberyard is can still be used for PC Gaming, so no reason to believe it will go away.

There is nothing to say about funding, currently they keep on increasing in funds.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #1124 on: September 09, 2017, 05:06:11 AM »
We will know things are really bad if they move their office to Hull.

The E.L.E. when moving to Slough with David Brent as Managing Director?


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