Author Topic: Star Citizen General BS  (Read 2662030 times)


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #615 on: August 01, 2017, 05:38:35 AM »
1) FPS was part of the original pitch. It's one of the reasons I backed. Getting out of your seat and shooting stuff. Best way to include it is to make a separate 'module' for testing. I see no problems here. Yes it's bare bones but stuff will be added in time.
2) 2.0 was about getting the large map working. 3.0+ is about adding game play.
3) Yes...and? Both good test beds for tweaking and balancing.

1) In PU you can do that already...then why we need SM again ?! How much backers money was wasted on this generic crap ?
2) test beds - thats all we have in dev year 5 ?! Are you serious ?!

 "Evil publishers" release full games in 5 years, SC is only in Pre-alfa state after 5 years..

 This is direct result of lack of any planning, feature creep, neverending refactoring and "polishing" (in the end everything is unpolished  anyway :P), focusing on jpg sales...

« Last Edit: August 01, 2017, 05:41:01 AM by GaryII »


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #616 on: August 01, 2017, 06:04:07 AM »
1) FPS was part of the original pitch. It's one of the reasons I backed. Getting out of your seat and shooting stuff. Best way to include it is to make a separate 'module' for testing. I see no problems here. Yes it's bare bones but stuff will be added in time.
2) 2.0 was about getting the large map working. 3.0+ is about adding game play.
3) Yes...and? Both good test beds for tweaking and balancing.

1) In PU you can do that already...then why we need SM again ?! How much backers money was wasted on this generic crap ?
2) test beds - thats all we have in dev year 5 ?! Are you serious ?!

 "Evil publishers" release full games in 5 years, SC is only in Pre-alfa state after 5 years..

 This is direct result of lack of any planning, feature creep, neverending refactoring and "polishing" (in the end everything is unpolished  anyway :P), focusing on jpg sales...

You can't think the devs would get as much data from occasional shots at Kareah as from Star Marine matches, that would be silly.

Year 5 after building a company and increasing the scope DRAMATICALLY due to increased funding.

The guys creating the sales aren't the ones building the game.

What they're building now is completely different to what was originally envisaged not because of a lack of planning but because they never expected to get as much funding as they got which gave them the opportunity to make more. Much more. Fully explorable palnetoids anyone?


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #617 on: August 01, 2017, 06:11:53 AM »
1) FPS was part of the original pitch. It's one of the reasons I backed. Getting out of your seat and shooting stuff. Best way to include it is to make a separate 'module' for testing. I see no problems here. Yes it's bare bones but stuff will be added in time.
2) 2.0 was about getting the large map working. 3.0+ is about adding game play.
3) Yes...and? Both good test beds for tweaking and balancing.

1) In PU you can do that already...then why we need SM again ?! How much backers money was wasted on this generic crap ?
2) test beds - thats all we have in dev year 5 ?! Are you serious ?!

 "Evil publishers" release full games in 5 years, SC is only in Pre-alfa state after 5 years..

 This is direct result of lack of any planning, feature creep, neverending refactoring and "polishing" (in the end everything is unpolished  anyway :P), focusing on jpg sales...

You can't think the devs would get as much data from occasional shots at Kareah as from Star Marine matches, that would be silly.

Year 5 after building a company and increasing the scope DRAMATICALLY due to increased funding.

The guys creating the sales aren't the ones building the game.

What they're building now is completely different to what was originally envisaged not because of a lack of planning but because they never expected to get as much funding as they got which gave them the opportunity to make more. Much more. Fully explorable palnetoids anyone?
Hello Serendipity
(Just want to test if this is a bot)


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #618 on: August 01, 2017, 06:38:13 AM »
Fully explorable palnetoids anyone?

 Elite Dangerous (with great VR and HOTAS support) and even NMS already have done this at high level.

 CR and team talks a lot sometimes mocks other "low fidelity" games, but haven't actually done anything at this point.
 anyway will see can they beat those games and other "low fidelity" games in actual fight...with their "never done before" tech...       
« Last Edit: August 01, 2017, 06:40:34 AM by GaryII »


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #619 on: August 01, 2017, 06:44:13 AM »
You can't get out of your seat in Elite and you can't compare NMS to either. That's a cartoon. So no, nobody has done what CIG are doing before in a single game and certainly not to the visual beauty.

Now pass the engine oil. I'm getting a bit squeaky over here.

Edit: Yes I own elite with a season pass. I've spent more on it than on my avenger. Still spent much more time playing SC's 'broken tech demo' than elite.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2017, 06:48:12 AM by Serendipity »


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #620 on: August 01, 2017, 07:53:49 AM »
Things that make me go....WoW!

CR decided on KS so he wouldn't be boxed in by a corporation that decides on what the bottom line cost will be and force a release!

CR stated this would be the most open development for the backers!

CR promised if we got to a certain date, he would release how much cash they have in reserve! That date has been reached and passed with no sign of any real transparency!

So if this game is transparent how come we don't know how much cash they have burned through? How much does every employee make?

For a game that is supposed to be upfront to the backers, how come all I read about is guesses by backers on what is going on?

Any person that questions anything about promises made in the past by CR is jumped on attacked and told they have no clue about development.

So the bottom line by a LOT of old and current backers we know this has become the most untransparent game in gaming history.

There is NO publisher in this industry that would have allowed this game to go forward after all the broken promises and allow any more cash to be funded by them.

So am hoping the people working at CIG would either start being fully transparent or stop comparing it to other games who have to show results to the money providers who backed them.

Granted am just a gamer that has been through a lot of alphas, betas, and can state with out a doubt this is nothing I have ever seen in all my days of testing and being involved in testing and playing the games I love. So yeah am not as smart as you guys that develop and create the games I play. But even an old gamer like me know there is to many issues and lies going around with SC and a guy like CR that has to this day never took a game to release while in control of the company!

In my opinion, anyone that still backs this and trusts CR has to be a little delusional!

So in closing all I can say about SC and CR is.....WoW!


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #621 on: August 01, 2017, 08:31:38 AM »
You guaranteed they wouldn't last 90 days. Shortly after your utterly unfounded and ridiculous claim, CIG did what they'd done for the previous two years and held sales that earned them around 10 million in a couple of months. Even if they literally had nothing when you made the claim, the knowledge of upcoming sales should have been used to realise they'd probably survive a little longer than 3 months. Terrible, terrible analysis.

Guaranteed? Really. Go ahead, please show me that guarantee.

And you're still going around in circles. The project was already FULLY FUNDED since Nov 2014. My comment was in Oct 2015. They continued to use dubious means, which they continue to this very day, to keep raising money based on LIES and DECEPTIVE PRACTICES.

That's the difference and defining factor; as much as you would like to ignore it.

Your argument is that when an analyst downgrades a stock, the company should just stop doing business right away.

Are you suggesting that nothing has changed in the game since the last stretch goal? They haven't changed from research into PG planets to getting it done? This didn't increase the cost of making the game? No land bikes or vehicles have been added? No new ships? Did they all arrive for free? More money received getting used to build more content is exactly what an increase in budget means. They aren't pocketing the difference but using it to build more stuff. Now you're just being silly.

Nice deflection there. We're not talking about progress, we're talking about the fact that the game is 2.8 yrs late and $90.5M over budget. We don't care about progress or lack thereof during this period. They could put a man on the moon, and it won't change those facts.

You're the one being laughably silly because you're basically saying that anything above $65M isn't an increase in budget....because reasons.

No no and no. 65 million was when they stopped doing stretch goals. They've always said that every penny received during development would go towards development. That's increasing the game's budget as more money becomes available. Even sillier.

Quoted for posterity only because it's truly a sight to behold. Wow, I don't even.

Because CONSISTENTLY selling JPEGS in order to raise money was NOT a thing in Oct 2015. And as with all things related to analysis, could never have been factored into the premise.
Pure lie. Have a look here and notice very regular sales from around June 2014.

Which part of "consistently" confused you? Not to mention the fact that, again, you're going in circles by ignoring the fact that had they not been doing it consistently (which even the funding chart shows), they won't have raised this much money after $65M. If they were making enough money selling subs, ships which are playable in the game, and game packages ($45 and $60), there would be no need to be selling "futures" in the form of JPEG concepts.

That's not what I'm doing. I'm comparing estimated release dates not the games themselves. Come on, try harder, this is too easy. You projected, 'join the fight 2012', I'm sure you don't need me to link your own video. It's 5 years+ past that. It doesn't matter what size studio or what type of game. Your projection was way off, there's was too. Other devs and companies also get it wrong all the time. How you fund development is totally immaterial to the fact your release projection was massively wrong.

Nice try. You're ignoring the context of the argument that YOU brought up. YOU compared LoD having a 2012 release date to Star Citizen being delayed. Even though you know NOTHING about the game's development, nor the fact that we switched engines etc. And in there, despite the fact that it's obvious that we don't have a release date bearing down on us, unlike Star Citizen, you still went ahead with the comparison anyway. Because reasons. Now you're trying to explain the nonsense away.

And no, my projection wasn't "way off"; and if you knew anything about the game's development, you would know these things because unlike CIG, I regularly write blog updates and notes explaining precisely what is going on, why, and how. I am not selling the game, so I have no incentive to obfuscate its development in order to keep backers off my back.

Are you serious? You can't be. Delays are ok but for this one example they're not? Puh-leeease. Let's at least try and treat everyone via the same standards shall we?

Quoted for posterity only because it's truly a sight to behold.

Did you lie when you added 2012 to your video? Was that a deliberate attempt to make people buy your TAK stuff knowing full well it wasn't ready to release? Shall I take to twitter and call you a lying bastard and scam artist?

Oh nice try.

- LoD was announced Feb 1, 2011.

- LoD trailer was released March 1, 2012 - exclusive to PC Gamer

- LoD was released on Steam Early Access Sept 16, 2014 as a way to use SteamWorks backend (SteamWorks services used by LoD)

- It was explained on the Steam and LoD game page, why we had to use Early Access. And anyone who wanted to get in on the ground floor and follow the game's development, could buy any tier they wanted.

- In April 2016, we completed our SteamWorks integration, then disabled the store page after Valve streamlined the process for having games built and tested with SteamWorks, without needing it to be live to the public. We were then officially CBT access only. Which, btw, is why games like Lawbreakers are currently being tested and built exclusively for SteamWorks, while doing public pre-orders though gamers do NOT have access to the game. The only way to test the game, is via CBT keys given out by the devs. Even if you pre-ordered, you aren't entitled to a key to play the game before release.

And unlike CIG, which had to be FORCED to give refunds, anyone who bought LoD, can get a no-questions asked Steam refund based on Valve's own guideliness for released or Early Access games.

BONUS: Unlike CIG which not only didn't tell backers it was going to switch engines, then LIED about it, though I don't have to, I've written several dev blogs about what is going on with our game engine as it relates to our PC and console plans. And none of it is fluff, and we don't have backers to lie to in order to keep raising money. It's just simple, clear communication.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2017, 08:34:49 AM by dsmart »
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #622 on: August 01, 2017, 08:38:18 AM »
You can't get out of your seat in Elite and you can't compare NMS to either. That's a cartoon. So no, nobody has done what CIG are doing before in a single game and certainly not to the visual beauty.

So uhm, what about Call Of Duty Infinite War and Mass Effect Andromeda?

So this tech innovation in Star Citizen is about explorable planetoids and being about to enter/exit ships in fps mode?  :lol: :lol: :lol:

PLEASE list ALL the innovative tech in Star Citizen, which nobody has done before, so we can discuss them fully. It should be very interesting.
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #623 on: August 01, 2017, 08:51:08 AM »

"Evil publishers" release full games in 5 years, SC is only in Pre-alfa state after 5 years...
 This is direct result of lack of any planning, feature creep, neverending refactoring and "polishing" (in the end everything is unpolished  anyway :P), focusing on jpg sales...

It goes beyond that. Somewhere along the line, Chris had an idea, a vision. He saw a kind of game that would combine several popular game-aspects into one. But he had no money to make it and knew for absolutely sure that no big company would dare to take another chance with him. And then came crowdfunding. Or maybe the vision came after crowdfunding, but who cares. Chris saw a window of opportunity and lauched his Kickstarter campaign. And then noticed he struck gold. His vision apparently appealed to a lot of people. However, Kickstarter has limitations and (legal) rules to abide by. That could hold him back in creating something to go with the vision. So, time to leave Kickstarter behind and start colleting the money directly.

And then it went off the rails. The money kept pooring in. With every wild idea, there it would come again. And again. And then Chris lost it. He probably thought that what he had envisioned would be doable. New modern techniques, clouds are everywhere, big publishers already basically doing it for years. How hard could it be? Money will buy everything, right? And boy, how nice it would be to prove everybody wrong and show them after all those years that he truly is the Master of Games. If they just give him the money and leave him be, he will prove it. Once and for all.

As an added bonus, they gave him so much money, he could add some family members to the payroll, and some old friends and put in some features that could help in another area as well. Let's demonstrate Hollywood I got skills at directing videoclips and have raw pure acting talent available at a snap with my fingertips. And still, every fart was a brilliant sound never heard before. Here's more money, do fart along!

So, he lost it. He started acting the big man who would show the world he could compete with the big companies. Opening multiple studios, going international, expanding his imperium. Because, I've laid down my vision, how hard can it be? As long as everybody does what I tell them to do, it'll turn out to be a huge success. Maybe a big company will buy RSI and then we'll be on our way to Hollywood.

And then it turned out to be really really hard to translate the dream into an actual working product. Having no clue whatsoever about, well, basically everything, it went all bad really quick. The money that should have lasted (them) for years went down the drain. Fast. Whoops. Oh no, Holy Fuck! Quick, let's keep everybody happy by sharing even more of my dreams and by jolly, if they are willing to pay for it, even better. Hell, we need them to because were having expenses we can't pay for long if we don't have a regular steady monthly incomeflow. So, draw pictures! Sell them. Doesn't matter if they can or will be converted to a actual useable item in the game (what game, hahahahaha, omg he's choking on it, somebody bring Chris some water) or just be a nice jpeg forever and ever, as long as it generates money.

Oh, now everything is falling apart. There's no way in hell we can actually build this game. We've been hiding it for years with small little things that need to be polished but the core of the game, we can't do it. We have the seats, the windows, some nice chrome parts and the little cupholder and you actually can buy coffee, but we can't build an engine. We started not with a normal V6 or V8, no we wanted to make a V12 but with Wankel technique. Never been done before. With reason, as it seems. And just to add some difficulty, we switched from gas to diesel, 'cause, you know, reasons, it all went so smoothly and shit and stuff. Now stop asking us when you can actually drive the car. It'll be finished when it's finished. However, those shiny wheelcaps that we draw? Yeah, we're not gonna make them, but we'll redraw them. And then they won't fit the wheels anymore, so we have to redo those too. Oops, now the wheels don't match the wheelcaps anymore. Hmm, let's look at a shop where you can buy hoodornaments first so people can toy with the carbody. A carbody that never will be attached to a working engine so you can actually drive that car around, but who cares.

As long as most of the people don't care if there ever will be a car, just ignore those screaming for a working engine. Fuck 'm. Fuck 'm all. After they give us their money of course. Then fuck 'm over once more. Call me when that isn't working anymore. I'll be on a yacht in Monaco probably, but call me anyway.

« Last Edit: August 01, 2017, 02:45:53 PM by Motto »


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #624 on: August 01, 2017, 01:24:12 PM »
You guaranteed they wouldn't last 90 days. Shortly after your utterly unfounded and ridiculous claim, CIG did what they'd done for the previous two years and held sales that earned them around 10 million in a couple of months. Even if they literally had nothing when you made the claim, the knowledge of upcoming sales should have been used to realise they'd probably survive a little longer than 3 months. Terrible, terrible analysis.

Guaranteed? Really. Go ahead, please show me that guarantee.

And you're still going around in circles. The project was already FULLY FUNDED since Nov 2014. My comment was in Oct 2015. They continued to use dubious means, which they continue to this very day, to keep raising money based on LIES and DECEPTIVE PRACTICES.

I disagree. They offer an asset for sale that people can buy if they like. They say if it's ready to use in game or not. They say that nobody has to buy anything but a game package to play. All on the sale page. Nothing deceptive and not a single lie. You're just making things up now. It's a little bit desperate.

Your argument is that when an analyst downgrades a stock, the company should just stop doing business right away.
No. My argument is there is, was and never will be a set budget for the game. The budget is set by how much funding they receive. This is on record as true. What you say is made up and stupid. Stopping the stretch goals at a certain point has no meaning on the game's budget. You're making things up again. It's looking even more desperate.

Are you suggesting that nothing has changed in the game since the last stretch goal? They haven't changed from research into PG planets to getting it done? This didn't increase the cost of making the game? No land bikes or vehicles have been added? No new ships? Did they all arrive for free? More money received getting used to build more content is exactly what an increase in budget means. They aren't pocketing the difference but using it to build more stuff. Now you're just being silly.

Nice deflection there. We're not talking about progress, we're talking about the fact that the game is 2.8 yrs late and $90.5M over budget. We don't care about progress or lack thereof during this period. They could put a man on the moon, and it won't change those facts.

You're the one being laughably silly because you're basically saying that anything above $65M isn't an increase in budget....because reasons.

It's not deflection. I'm trying to explain that if the budget was set at 65 million, as you ludicrously suggest, because that's when the stretch goals ended then how do we account for what's come since, like the fact we're getting planets instead of research into it plus all the extra ships that are going into the game since that point. All paid for...duh dumm the ever increasing budget supplied by the continued pledging.

Because CONSISTENTLY selling JPEGS in order to raise money was NOT a thing in Oct 2015. And as with all things related to analysis, could never have been factored into the premise.
Pure lie. Have a look here and notice very regular sales from around June 2014.

Which part of "consistently" confused you? Not to mention the fact that, again, you're going in circles by ignoring the fact that had they not been doing it consistently (which even the funding chart shows), they won't have raised this much money after $65M. If they were making enough money selling subs, ships which are playable in the game, and game packages ($45 and $60), there would be no need to be selling "futures" in the form of JPEG concepts.
What are you talking about? They consistently had sales from before Oct 2015. That's just a fact. Looking increasingly desperate with every counter claim fabrication right now.

That's not what I'm doing. I'm comparing estimated release dates not the games themselves. Come on, try harder, this is too easy. You projected, 'join the fight 2012', I'm sure you don't need me to link your own video. It's 5 years+ past that. It doesn't matter what size studio or what type of game. Your projection was way off, there's was too. Other devs and companies also get it wrong all the time. How you fund development is totally immaterial to the fact your release projection was massively wrong.

Nice try. You're ignoring the context of the argument that YOU brought up. YOU compared LoD having a 2012 release date to Star Citizen being delayed. Even though you know NOTHING about the game's development, nor the fact that we switched engines etc. And in there, despite the fact that it's obvious that we don't have a release date bearing down on us, unlike Star Citizen, you still went ahead with the comparison anyway. Because reasons. Now you're trying to explain the nonsense away.

And no, my projection wasn't "way off"; and if you knew anything about the game's development, you would know these things because unlike CIG, I regularly write blog updates and notes explaining precisely what is going on, why, and how. I am not selling the game, so I have no incentive to obfuscate its development in order to keep backers off my back.

Why your estimate was 5 years off is completely irrelevant. My only point was that holding someone by the scruff of the neck whilst you scream in their face for missing a deadline when you have done exactly the same but with a longer delay is more than hypocritical, it's elephancritical!

Did you lie when you added 2012 to your video? Was that a deliberate attempt to make people buy your TAK stuff knowing full well it wasn't ready to release? Shall I take to twitter and call you a lying bastard and scam artist?

Oh nice try.

- LoD was announced Feb 1, 2011.

- LoD trailer was released March 1, 2012 - exclusive to PC Gamer

- LoD was released on Steam Early Access Sept 16, 2014 as a way to use SteamWorks backend (SteamWorks services used by LoD)

- It was explained on the Steam and LoD game page, why we had to use Early Access. And anyone who wanted to get in on the ground floor and follow the game's development, could buy any tier they wanted.

- In April 2016, we completed our SteamWorks integration, then disabled the store page after Valve streamlined the process for having games built and tested with SteamWorks, without needing it to be live to the public. We were then officially CBT access only. Which, btw, is why games like Lawbreakers are currently being tested and built exclusively for SteamWorks, while doing public pre-orders though gamers do NOT have access to the game. The only way to test the game, is via CBT keys given out by the devs. Even if you pre-ordered, you aren't entitled to a key to play the game before release.

And unlike CIG, which had to be FORCED to give refunds, anyone who bought LoD, can get a no-questions asked Steam refund based on Valve's own guideliness for released or Early Access games.

BONUS: Unlike CIG which not only didn't tell backers it was going to switch engines, then LIED about it, though I don't have to, I've written several dev blogs about what is going on with our game engine as it relates to our PC and console plans. And none of it is fluff, and we don't have backers to lie to in order to keep raising money. It's just simple, clear communication.
Mostly irrelevant again. Why doesn't concern me. 'Join the fight 2012'. You're a liar. By your own standards.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2017, 01:39:35 PM by Serendipity »


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #625 on: August 01, 2017, 02:03:53 PM »
The thing with the budget is how you look at it.

Chris said, if you give me 65m, this is what you'll get for that. So people starting to give and after some time 65m was given. So he asked for a budget of 65m to build XYZ in promises. He didn't keep most of those promises, but as long as CIG has not spend over 65m until today, Chris has a budget left. Unfortunately, we don't know how much money CIG has spend until today. However, did Chris deliver as promised? No. Is it likely that they have spend over 65m until today? Yes. Therefore, did Chris deliver as promised within budget? No.

Now, the thing is, even after reaching 65m, money kept coming in. That is extra money to be spend on the game in general. We said we'd do 2 moons, let's make it 4. Stuff like that. The thing is, since there is no specification how those extra millions are to be spend in newly defined targets, they also can be allocated to previous existing targets. If one assumes that the extra money also is allocated for the original goals, then Chris did not deliver for the 65m and everything extra received since.

Since no specification has been made about the allocation of the extra money, one could argue that that all is extra money to be spend on other stuff. There is no way to tell how that money is spend, if at all.

Did Chris go over budget? We don't know since no financial disclosure has been given. Did he deliver as promised? No. Is it likely that the orginal 65m has been spend totally and that for some time now, the additional money has been used to keep up running CIG? Yes. Does that imply that Chris now spend over 65m and has not yet delivered what was agreed upon that he would deliver for 65m? Yes. So, is he over budget then? Yes. Plain and simple. This is Derek's view.

The argument that additional money has been spend to do extra, not-specified things, that as a result hinder the completion of the original promises, does not change the fact that still this project is most likely over original budget and original promises made. Despite his thoughts, backers did not give Chris a carte blache to do whatever he wanted after 65m was reached. He could do that but he had to keep his original promises first. Nobody gave permission to go for changing the orginal promises. If he wanted to change the goalposts for the original targets, he should have asked. Bottomline now is that CIG still hasn't delivered as promised (fact) and can't deliver what was promised. Not at the 65m mark and not with an extra 90m (very good guess).

Is this speculation? Yes, it is. It can only be checked and verified with the actual financial data. That will tell how much money in total was invested and spend. The thing is, we'll only get those details after CIG falls over and simply by falling over, Chris proves he couldn't deliver within specs or budget.

However, since the funding chart is the only way CIG talks about their income stream, let's all pretend that they actually have received 155m so far. Not much to show for if this current 2.6.3 alpha build is all they can deliver right now. Unless they haven't spend that much money in the first place, but that'll be highly unlikely regarding the offices and staffcount.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2017, 02:49:58 PM by Motto »


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #626 on: August 01, 2017, 03:48:43 PM »
You guaranteed they wouldn't last 90 days. Shortly after your utterly unfounded and ridiculous claim, CIG did what they'd done for the previous two years and held sales that earned them around 10 million in a couple of months. Even if they literally had nothing when you made the claim, the knowledge of upcoming sales should have been used to realise they'd probably survive a little longer than 3 months. Terrible, terrible analysis.

Guaranteed? Really. Go ahead, please show me that guarantee.


exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.
synonyms: exaggeration, overstatement, magnification, embroidery, embellishment, excess, overkill, rhetoric


And for context, this is the specific Tweet chain. Seeing as you guys love to take things out of context, while twisting it to suit your narrative

Mostly irrelevant again. Why doesn't concern me. 'Join the fight 2012'. You're a liar. By your own standards.

Oh I see what you did there.

You went from this:

Did you lie when you added 2012 to your video? Was that a deliberate attempt to make people buy your TAK stuff knowing full well it wasn't ready to release?

Then when proven to be FALSE (the 2012 date in the video had NOTHING to do with sales, as it was over TWO years later before we even started selling anything) you end up with this:

Mostly irrelevant again. Why doesn't concern me. 'Join the fight 2012'. You're a liar. By your own standards.

The deflection games you guys play is impressive. The fact that you're comparing Roberts LYING (as he does routinely) in Aug 2016 about a patch coming in Dec 2016, and which is now 8 months late, to a release date in a video, just goes to show how desperate you guys are. It's pathetic.

Of course, let's ignore the fact that the comparison would be Roberts claiming a Nov 2014 estimate for Star Citizen, complete with 12, then 18 month leeway in the ToS, and over 3 years later, still no game. Yeah, compare that to LoD which has no release date whatsoever, nor an obligation to give one, since we're not accountable to anyone but our own schedule and funding.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2017, 04:05:01 PM by dsmart »
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #627 on: August 01, 2017, 04:07:14 PM »
Since no specification has been made about the allocation of the extra money, one could argue that that all is extra money to be spend on other stuff. There is no way to tell how that money is spend, if at all.

Well he has said that all the money goes into developing the game. Since he lies a lot, well, who knows?  :shrug:
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #628 on: August 01, 2017, 06:52:53 PM »

So, he lost it. He started acting the big man who would show the world he could compete with the big companies. Opening multiple studios, going international, expanding his imperium. Because, I've laid down my vision, how hard can it be? As long as everybody does what I tell them to do, it'll turn out to be a huge success. Maybe a big company will buy RSI and then we'll be on our way to Hollywood.

When I heard CIG was shelling out for mocap and big name actors for VAs, I twitched. A lot.

See, fun fact: actors gotta eat, just like the rest of us. And some are VERY mercenary about things. Gary Oldman, for example, won't even LOOK at a script unless it's accompanied by a slip saying 'We will pay you this much, plus a trailer and steak dinners'. Mark Hamill may be wrapping up his role as Luke Skywalker in the new Star Wars movies, but I'm pretty certain he didn't come cheap for voice acting. I doubt he's hurting for money, either.

Also, Hollywood is a damned incestuous industry. A lot of these people know each other. And it wouldn't surprise me one damn bit if one of them had spoken to Kevin Costner, and made sure to get paid up front BEFORE doing any work.

People wonder why Michael Bay keeps getting work. Here's another fun fact: Bay has a very strong work ethic. So much so that he tends to cattle-prod along actors who think they can slack off (hence why some of them detest him). But his movies get done on time, and on (or under) budget. Accountants love that, and so does Hollywood.

Chris Roberts is no Michael Bay.


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Re: Star Citizen - The Game
« Reply #629 on: August 01, 2017, 07:23:54 PM »
If this is such a transparent company why haven't they allowed all backers to see financials? CR can't tell backers they will be more open with you, yet never allow them to see actual financials.

Also if they really made 155 million plus dollars, there is no way they have anything close to 155 million left. Also, I would think you guys have every right to know how much CR and his friends and family have made from this crowd funding. There is no reason in hell that a backer shouldn't know any of this. You're backing them and deserve all info from the company.

From the outside, anyone with common sense should see they can't have a lot of cash left. Plus if they are running out of cash I wonder if CR and friends and family will end up taking money from their bank accounts to finish the game.

If you believe they will you all are very delusional!


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