You have to wonder what happens after this.
I mean, there's a limited number of outcomes here:
1) Everything releases and it's glorious, a game that sets the standard for the next ten years. (probability: :smuggo: Can't go below zero percent, man)
2) SC releases, but the associated other component games -- Star Marine, SQ42 -- are delayed. (probability: Extremely doubtful. Don't bet the rent money)
3) MVP release of all components. Somehow holds together. (probability: Possible, but unlikely as hell)
4) MVP release of SC only, SQ42 and SM are vaporware. (probability: Better than #3, and in my opinion, best possible scenario at this point for CR.)
5) Total collapse, a la so many other big dreams. (probability: #crocodiledundee. 'Better than average'.)
6) Total collapse and legal actions filed. (probability: less than #5 but still in the cards)
If SC releases per outcomes 1 or 2, the only real losers are the folks who've been hammering the game verbally. I expect we'll all eat a big plate of crow, with ketchup. However, I just don't see that happening.
The other outcomes are varying levels of suck for CR and CIG, regardless. Releasing a game in a state closer to, say, Big Rigs: Over The Mountain Racing than Fallout 4 is not going to do their bottom line a lick of good. And you have to have income to fund continuing development, patches, DLC, etc. So outcomes 3 and 4 are, to quote Darkest Dungeon, 'the slow death, unforeseen, unforgiving'.
Outcomes 5 and 6 should end CR's career. It would be an implosion that should make the Daikatana and Duke Nukem Forever debacles look tame in comparison. Any studio that hired him or his buddies on should have their heads checked for injuries.