OK so after the latest mini-ATV, they talk about how far away they are placing Hurston (as if it will ever actually arrive with the next patch - it won't). This got me thinking. Without too much thought or research here's my logic, please correct me:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=276&v=mXTxQko-JH0) recon that the first noticeable jitter caused by 32bit floating point errors is at 20k (meters or game units). Since SC uses 64 bit positioning then the corresponding radius should be 20,000*20,000 = 400,000,000 units. Remember that this will be the limit of visible jitter, floating point errors will start becoming a problem in the physics sim before then (assuming that the physics grid works from the game world origin, which it may not).
An estimate from Reddit made the current PU to be a diameter or 1,000,000,000 m and therefore a radius of about 500,000,000.
So given that the current PU is already too big for "safe" 64bit positioning, how are they going to get Hurston into the PU without horrific and visible errors occurring in the physics and graphics?
Oh, and they're doing a live ship concept launch.