So basically, v3.X is adding the shit into the techdemo they promised would be in v3.0. So expect that to be done probably sometime around 2020 or thereabouts.
If CiG lives long enough, that is.
The way i read the original schedule report was....
we are like years behind the 3.0 release because of all the extra 'polish', but we just released 3.0 and left half the shit out and its pretty broken... But its a new year now !!! so we need a road map.... because that's the thing we do annually, i mean we haven't thrashed out a plan on how to finish yet or anything, i mean how could we sell jpegs following a plan? clearly alpha knows nothing about game developments
anyways most of the year will be spent putting in the shit that was meant to be in 3.0 in the first place, while this might be the most realistic time line we have put forward yet ... i mean we have given our selves a whole year to finish stuff that we said was 98% done in 2016 so it sounds achievable given the incredibly low hurdle we have set ourselves ... but give it 6 months and you'll find out the schedules where just bullshit to keep the hype up and we will be struggling with critical art reworks, new concepts well make some lame excuses maybe something about a law suit and then trumpet our achievements that we are now burning down to 3.1 this xmas !!!!! (just in time for a jpeg sales)
and if you get a new premium subscription we will even let you crash the power point tech demo before other backers, you can be all "in'' with the team and we will even let you give us feedback... help us pros 'develop' catch the fine glitches that may slip through the cracks of our exhaustive QA" maybe give you a sneak preview of the 3.2 road map