They'll throw anything in the mix just to keep the appearance going that everything is fine, that they are making real progress, that 3.0 actually does exist and will bring all the glory as promised one and half year ago et cetera. Unfortunately, the cracks in that story are becoming more and more visible every day. What increases the panic at CIG and their repsonse is by going even more out of their way to convince backers to stay onboard. But those days are gone. Chris finally has to deliver if he wants to make it another year. Which he can't and why he won't.
Which makes me wonder, I assume more top people know by now that CIG is the Titanic and that the iceberg has been hit. Are they making their own files and dossiers? When CIG crashes, will they provide us with the gossip and the details we currently lack? Or do the keyplayers prefer to jump ship in advance? Does anybody has some (industry) background on that?