The fact that there could be a legal issue of how much of the code of Star Citizen Coutts have a charge and controlling interest on is no help for Backers wanting to ignore this loan and the issues surrounding it.
Not that you would think that to read the nonchalant cursory replies of most on the Star Citizen Reddit that demonstrate they don't care for facts and want thin reassurances from Liarmouth instead.
Precisely. And it's not even that they don't care for facts, they will just disregard such serious things out of hand because any manner of dissent - especially one that I am apparently the instigator of - is an act of war.
In this instance, they know - fully well - that without Star Citizen tech, assets etc, there is no Squadron 42. Yet, despite the fact that this is true, and SHOULD be a cause for concern, they would rather disregard and wave it off. Luckily not all backers are in a cult, or stupid enough to not understand what they were reading.