Author Topic: Star Citizen Media Musings  (Read 1407794 times)


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Re: Star Citizen Media Musings
« Reply #930 on: January 29, 2019, 01:28:14 PM »
Sounds like you're getting creative fun out of this, good. Indeed a smooth voice!
Maybe I assumed you to be too negative after your remark that Derek was jealous. That itself was an assumption. Such things create tension in the forum. I'll try to avoid that and use these pages just as a source of info.

I had hundreds of hours of 'fun' trying to create the logic with voiceattack, I'm very bad at it but it gave me a tiny glimpse of the difficulties of 'coding', my first attempt at anything even remotely related. I suffered many unexpected delays, the experience may have softened my assessment of CIGs own difficulties.

The Anna thread on the old forums is one of the biggest you'll find. It was a huge joint effort to be honest, people would suggest things, I'd go away and try to make it happen. It was a great experience. You can find out all about me and my way of behaving in that thread, it's hundreds of pages long mind, if you really want to, feel free.

Anyway, no-one cares, sorry, I reckon it really did soften my reaction to delays from CIG though, and any other game development. Something tells me that making a game is, just a tiny bit, more complicated than creating logic for a VA profile.

Just a tiny bit.


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Star Citizen Media Musings
« Reply #931 on: January 29, 2019, 01:41:41 PM »

Anyway, no-one cares, sorry, I reckon it really did soften my reaction to delays from CIG though, and any other game development. Something tells me that making a game is, just a tiny bit, more complicated than creating logic for a VA profile.

Just a tiny bit.
And now when you realise that do you think it was good decision to promise features which the game engine doesn’t support or aren’t designed to do and even beyond to features which require technology that doesn’t exist and you don’t have the required expertise to build (at least in reasonable time).

Let’s not go to the fact that the leader of the project doesn’t have even a clue how modern software development works. Naturally, if you have been out of the loop couple decades.

Thousand player battles and motherships, for crying out loud...


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Re: Star Citizen Media Musings
« Reply #932 on: January 29, 2019, 01:41:54 PM »
It seemed to me at the time that you were using the success of SC to advertise your own product.


Repeating their nonsense doesn't make it true

That first blog had about half it's content describing LOD.


Interstellar Citizens blog contained a contextual post about LoD and Elite Dangerous as a comparison to what SC was trying to achieve and why I stated they would fail. I was right. That aside from the fact that the point being made there was that you wouldn't ask a baker to opine on brain surgery; even though you don't need to be a cook to know that the food tastes like shit.

They banned you shortly after for using their platform to promote your own product.


There was nothing to "ban". They refunded me, thus closing my account. That's what happens with everyone who had their accounts closed.

Yes I know you never posted on their forums, but that's irrelevant.

Of course it's irrelevant when you fail to make the point. How convenient.

You were using what they had built for personal gain.

I can only :emot-lol: at that particular bit of nonsense. What exactly did they "build"? And how did I "gain"?

I think it would be hard for someone like yourself to not feel a little jealous of this success, especially

"someone like yourself"? You don't know anything about me. And there is no "success". Outside of your fanboi bubble, the project is widely regarded an abysmal FAILURE of epic proportions.

after pooh poohing the return of Chris and David, over at Frontier, on twitter. Must have hurt a little to watch them both go from strength to strength.


David and I go way back, and we even chat from time to time. Again, keep pulling straws and clutching your pearls; eventually - if you're lucky - something will stick.

Also, I didn't back ED because it wasn't his first attempt, and I didn't think he'd pull it off that time. Though he did end up scaling back promises - as I said would happen - he did end up releasing a hugely successful game. And he did it with about $11m (of which less than $2m came from crowd-funding). And that game is leap years ahead of anything a $225m train-wreck will ever produce.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2019, 01:44:06 PM by dsmart »
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen Media Musings
« Reply #933 on: January 30, 2019, 06:17:02 PM »
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen Media Musings
« Reply #934 on: January 30, 2019, 06:36:27 PM »
Hello darkness my old friend...

He's spending some money and doing a lot of work to make these battles look feasible with the current build.


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Re: Star Citizen Media Musings
« Reply #935 on: January 30, 2019, 08:36:14 PM »
He's spending some money and doing a lot of work to make these battles look feasible with the current build.

And he will move he did before


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Re: Star Citizen Media Musings
« Reply #936 on: January 31, 2019, 05:05:23 AM »
He's spending some money and doing a lot of work to make these battles look feasible with the current build.

He could just be playing Planetside2 instead  :shrug:
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen Media Musings
« Reply #937 on: January 31, 2019, 06:14:39 AM »

Repeating their nonsense doesn't make it true

It's not false. It can't be false. It's how I felt and how it appeared to me at the time. You don't get to tell me how I felt.

Interstellar Citizens blog contained a contextual post about LoD and Elite Dangerous as a comparison to what SC was trying to achieve and why I stated they would fail. I was right. That aside from the fact that the point being made there was that you wouldn't ask a baker to opine on brain surgery; even though you don't need to be a cook to know that the food tastes like shit.

It's not false. You spend a lot of words describing your game. To me at the time it was like reading an advert for LOD.

There was nothing to "ban". They refunded me, thus closing my account. That's what happens with everyone who had their accounts closed.

Semantics. They closed your account because they thought you were using their platform to publicise your game. I agreed with that assessment.
Of course it's irrelevant when you fail to make the point. How convenient.

The point is that I've seen you crying about this before now, how they refunded you because you'd broken their ToS but you'd never posted on their forums. It's irrelevant if you had or not. You used the fact that SC was blowing up in an attempt to sell copies of LOD. That's how it looked to me. That's how it looked to CIG.
I can only :emot-lol: at that particular bit of nonsense. What exactly did they "build"? And how did I "gain"?

The built an incredibly popular game concept and monetised pre orders on a scale never seen before. They built a large community of excited space game nerds. They built interest and excitement for what they were planning.

I should have said 'attempted to gain' perhaps, as the blog was little more than an advert for LOD. You, attempting to grab yourself some of the vast riches pouring into CIGs coffers by showing the vast number of people interested in SC that your game was an alternative.

That's how I saw it. Others too. Seemed very obvious to me to be honest.
"someone like yourself"? You don't know anything about me. And there is no "success". Outside of your fanboi bubble, the project is widely regarded an abysmal FAILURE of epic proportions.

I know you're a game developer who makes space games. Someone who's struggled to create a significant fan base, similar to the one giving Chris all of their disposable income. The success I talk about is funding. Money. Goodwill. Excitement. A community. The game may be taking its time but to suggest that SC isn't a huge success is monumental idiocy. Building a company that's worth over 450 million dollars and with an income of 30+ million dollars a year in just a few years seems like a successful venture to me.


David and I go way back, and we even chat from time to time. Again, keep pulling straws and clutching your pearls; eventually - if you're lucky - something will stick.

Also, I didn't back ED because it wasn't his first attempt, and I didn't think he'd pull it off that time. Though he did end up scaling back promises - as I said would happen - he did end up releasing a hugely successful game. And he did it with about $11m (of which less than $2m came from crowd-funding). And that game is leap years ahead of anything a $225m train-wreck will ever produce.

Not false. You called both Chris and David dinosaurs with very little chance of succeeding with their new games. Can't be arsed getting a link but we both know what I'm talking about.

If memory serves you said they were out of touch with gaming after being away for so long.

I guess you were horribly wrong on both counts. The pair of them have done ok with their new space games I reckon...


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Re: Star Citizen Media Musings
« Reply #938 on: January 31, 2019, 10:47:24 AM »
Don't feed the troll


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Re: Star Citizen Media Musings
« Reply #939 on: January 31, 2019, 02:04:41 PM »


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Re: Star Citizen Media Musings
« Reply #940 on: January 31, 2019, 02:11:47 PM »

If memory serves you said they were out of touch with gaming after being away for so long.

I guess you were horribly wrong on both counts. The pair of them have done ok with their new space games I reckon...

Well, it’s pretty undisputable that at least Chris is out of touch with gaming when you look the journey of SC and where they are now with over 200M spent.

Or he is just incompetent in managing projects. I suspect both.


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Re: Star Citizen Media Musings
« Reply #941 on: February 01, 2019, 07:24:20 AM »
Well, it’s pretty undisputable that at least Chris is out of touch with gaming when you look the journey of SC and where they are now with over 200M spent.

Or he is just incompetent in managing projects. I suspect both.

I wouldn't dispute that the project management could have been better but building a large company, new technology and attempting to take gaming forward isn't easy, otherwise everyone would do it.

Looks like the bumpiest roads are traversed now, time will tell how it all shakes down. I'm sure the ride will continue to be entertaining though, whatever happens


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Re: Star Citizen Media Musings
« Reply #942 on: February 01, 2019, 08:48:09 AM »

Looks like the bumpiest roads are traversed now, time will tell how it all shakes down. I'm sure the ride will continue to be entertaining though, whatever happens

What makes you think that? They are still nowhere near to have even the necessary background tech in place. Unless it’s now OK for them to not deliver the game they promised but MVP 50 player per server instanced game and don’t even dream about capital ship gameplay. Unless fidelity is greatly reduced.


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Re: Star Citizen Media Musings
« Reply #943 on: February 01, 2019, 09:27:58 AM »
Don't feed the troll.


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Re: Star Citizen Media Musings
« Reply #944 on: February 01, 2019, 11:24:29 AM »
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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