Assuming they knew with full range of opinions. I do have sympathy for anyone just now getting disgruntled and seeking out dissenting opinions. I got my refund shortly before 3.0 dropped because I believed Derek when he said they would stop refunds based off of CR's own words. However, before I got pissed at CIG I rarely ventured beyond the RSI website and was not a part of reddit. So you got a guy that his cult friend talks him into the game, skews the facts and history and he gets pumped like everyone else who got a refund only to find out a NO REFUNDS.
Now you could argue that there is enough negative press out there that something should have at least tipped him off to the fact that not all is well in CIG land, but no, I am not going to withdraw sympathy from people because they were "late to the refund party". The cultizens ya, fuck them, but the backer that got excited bought a cool, but expensive ship then finds out just what a shit show it really is after the refund door closed I do very much feel sorry for.
I only found out about refunds in 2015, because Chris Roberts published his "letter to the Escapist" on his own website and I decided to read it as a whole (which obviously nobody else except Derek did), then did some research on names I never heard of before. The so-called "game journalism" completely failed in properly inform me. Until then I executed a hands-off approach, so I didn't care much about what happened during development, except occasionally viewing the RSI forum and one or two videos per year. If I had less time on my hands bothering with "that old Kickstarter" in 2015, I could have ended up in 2017 easily, also if I only had followed the fake news the media published about Star Citizen. (You notice, that these guys turn on Star Citizen
now, not three years ago, in fact the Escapist article has been pulled.)
It wasn't until doing throughly research when I found out, that almost nobody of the original 2012/2013 team was around anymore and the entire concept has changed into something completely different. Until then I was assuming that Squadron 42 was on its track and has been delayed a bit. I'm still certain, that the supposed "backer polls" about scope changes never actually happened and have been retroactively faked to rectify what Chris Roberts wanted to do anyway. I didn't even know about those polls until 2015.
Just because someone reading daily in a forum thread behind a paywall is well informed doesn't mean everyone is. It was Chris Roberts himself, who directed me to the refund route, because nothing on the carefully filtered RSI forum pointed to the possibility of refunds and does not even today. Me getting in my refund early was happy accident. Also the whole ToS shenigans got completely past me. I never read them (thankfully EU law doesn't require me to forward every ToS document to my lawyer for investigation like the US does.)
Then there is doing due diligence. Young people are in school/college etc and specifically doing (or should be doing) research on various topics on a regular basis. We should expect them to apply these skills on their gaming hobby.
Actually consumers are not expected to do due diligence. That is the core of all modern age consumer protection laws, that the consumer doesn't have to employ full time specialists for background-checking every company he does business with. Instead the law skews the balance heavily towards the consumer, so companies employing people full time, who figure out how to rip off consumers, don't get the complete advantage over somebody who has a day job and might spend five to ten minutes per day with personal business decisions.
Gambling laws exist, so companies carefully crafting money traps (again with professional psychologists using their skills to harm people instead of healing them) don't get to ruin too many people's lives. (Lootboxes might become illegal in Europe.) That's I why refrain from dissing people who spent over $1000 on Star Citizen, that might have happened to me, if the stars had aligned a little bit differently. I'm also certain that many of those loud "fans" engaged in the reddits and every comment section are mostly just fakes by CIG to prevent the few actual backers to talk to each other unhindered. I'm not ready to throw everyone under the bus, just because shills pretending being backers make everyone who spent money on SC look like toxic haters.