Just another mechanic in the game that would be totally controlled by Robbers to entice you with the supposed lure of monetary (in game) gain only to risk loosing your ship and the real cash you paid for it. Pay me now or pay me later. Or in Robbers case pay me yesterday and keep paying me or Ill find a way to blow up your ship here or there or just through a glitch.
Its like the old El Producto cigar commercials they used to show during the football games on Sundays. I'm really dating myself here. The catch line was "Were gonna getcha Ya know were gonna getcha".
Then again this assumes this game will achieve a real and meaningful commercial release. I seriously doubt that will ever happen. If by some odd chance it does it will be to a gaming community that is so tired of the false promises, the lies, the disapointments that nobody will bother to show up.
Honestly Call of Duty Infinite Warfare had crappy video game flight dynamics. Star Citizens dont look any better lately. At least COD had a progression, a story and good FPS action. Something Robbers still has not delivered on (s42) yet this was the first thing he marketed. It simply amazes me how trhese idiot backers still champion this mess. I know, it's the sunk cost fallacy. But seriously, can they remain this delusional? They still think that Robbers is somehow going to make the networking function much better and get all this "fidelity" to work with dozens or hundreds of players in the game. What earthshattering discovery will Robbers make that allows computers and networks to have a quantum leap ahead? The sun will rise tomorrow and electrons will still flow the same way. Nothing will change. Robbers will still be like a squirrel with ADD, and on crack, unable to focus on anything but fleecing more money from the foolish. They will continue to fund him. Well, some things can be counted on to remain consistant.
Like a fucking soap opera. As the ASSteroid turns.