Yeah and if I glue pictures of different Star Citizen ship variants onto playing cards we would be playing Star Citizen, the game as well. It's just not the game that was promised to be delivered several years ago.
I know... It's Hard.
We were asking for too much Fidelity but more than that we were expecting not to clip through walls, die trying to enter ships, Have our ships violently swing away from us on the most gentile EVA, you know, the small stuff. Good flight physics, a quality FPS in Space Marine would help and overall FUN gameplay is still a thing in most video game. I guess Chris Robbers didn't get the message.
Pong would meet the definition of a game but nobody would blow hundreds or thousands of dollars on it. What are these people smoking crack all day? They are devoid of reality. It's bad when they begin to believe their own bullshit.