Author Topic: Star Citizen Citizenship  (Read 2442325 times)


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Re: The Star Citizenship
« Reply #435 on: October 05, 2017, 06:00:11 PM »
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: The Star Citizenship
« Reply #436 on: October 05, 2017, 08:10:31 PM »
Yeah, that went well.

Well its been a strong 4 years of waiting from me

Already two replies there saying: don't quit now, 4 years = half way done.

Goalposts: Moving.



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Re: The Star Citizenship
« Reply #437 on: October 06, 2017, 08:04:33 AM »
Lol apparently /r/sc wasn't enough of an echo chamber, safe space for some. They needed to make their own private /r consisting of people who have been properly "vetted" #notacult.


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Re: The Star Citizenship
« Reply #438 on: October 06, 2017, 08:52:09 AM »
This is how a Star Citizen reacted to the 3.0 Evocati release. Not a cult though. At all.

Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: The Star Citizenship
« Reply #439 on: October 06, 2017, 09:06:08 AM »
This is how a Star Citizen reacted to the 3.0 Evocati release. Not a cult though. At all.

I'm pretty sure their deity has to be the flying spaghetti monster due to the spaghetti mess the underlying game code must be for it to perform so poorly.

Flying CRobletti Monster?


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Re: The Star Citizenship
« Reply #440 on: October 06, 2017, 09:30:15 AM »
All concierge members will now be in Wave 1 for PTU access after the NDA phase

"Ah right - those unwashed peons who mearly bought a game and were told they could be alpha testers without restrictions - are suddenly told 4 years later - "Fuck off shitcunts you don't belong here with us REAL testers"
Good mentality to have there."

It's almost as if since they started Evocati, I have been saying that it was a bad idea and just used to milk backers for more money. Yup, I did. Back in April 2016, Star Citizen – The Extinction Level Event

Right now, it's :

Dev -> QA -> Evocati -> Subscribers/Concierge -> PTU -> Live
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: The Star Citizenship
« Reply #441 on: October 06, 2017, 10:23:15 AM »
Meanwhile, over at the Star Citizen Reddit cesspool, they're really mad at me for 3.0 being a mess. Reported.

Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: The Star Citizenship
« Reply #442 on: October 06, 2017, 12:16:26 PM »
So Avacados, without breaking NDA, how is it?

It sucks, I have been playing and FPS is solid 15. All the typical 2.6 bugs are still present. Game is done for.
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: The Star Citizenship
« Reply #443 on: October 06, 2017, 01:01:17 PM »
Well, this is fun reading. Moeis is even more stupid than we thought...

And persistent in the lie that he is not Serendipity. Even there. Because, we might look there? God, what an idiot  :doh:
« Last Edit: October 06, 2017, 01:04:00 PM by Motto »


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Re: The Star Citizenship
« Reply #444 on: October 08, 2017, 07:09:16 AM »
Looks like someone found the White Nationalists in Star Citizen

Remember this? Bungie fixing Destiny 2 armor resembling white nationalist symbol
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: The Star Citizenship
« Reply #445 on: October 10, 2017, 05:00:20 AM »
What's the deal with bulk accounts being sold? example in post

A guy i know purchased 12 accounts off ebay. Paid just over 200 dollars for over 800 dollars worth of ships+plus game, all with SQ42.. and then just gifted them all to himself. Accounts came with usernames and passwords. He said there is TONS of them available in a lot of places. How does this even happen?

Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: The Star Citizenship
« Reply #446 on: October 10, 2017, 06:54:09 AM »
Well, CIG can create accounts and JPGs out of thin air.  Connect the dots.


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Re: The Star Citizenship
« Reply #447 on: October 12, 2017, 07:42:08 AM »
Oh yeah, this it totally going to go down really well.

My comment.

On the "left": The guys on /r/starcitizen_refunds/ dedicated to exposing Star Citizen as a SCAM, and helping backers get refunds. And no, not all of them are Goons.

On the "alt-off-right": The guys on /r/ds parked on a hate sub Reddit for targeted harassment against an individual saying bad stuff about a video game, while waging an Internet wide war against dissenting opinions on Star Citizen. The guys who see Derek Smart everywhere, and who can't stand the fact that the train-wreck they backed, and which - even as I type this - is coming to its explosive end - could possibly be a SCAM.

That said, as to your "tease" video, and opening description...

You do realize this is bullshit, right? And it's going to be just another fuel for discourse? Let me explain my POV.

"Her twitter post was blown up into a propaganda piece by one side and she was attacked by the other side"

If the above excerpt is in fact the sentiment expressed in that interview, then one thing is certain - it's only going to get worse.

People need to take responsibility for their actions. She Tweeted that she got a refund - as is her right. Then the "alt-off-right" got wind of it from my Twitter feed (they stalk it 24-7), created a Reddit thread out it etc. As did the other guys on the refunds sub, which is actually the correct place where it would be.

THEN, as if the Twitter nonsense wasn't bad enough, she decided to walk right up to the edge of the cliff, then walked off it, by going to Reddit to "explain" herself. As if she needed any justification or explanation on how she spends her money, why she got a refund etc.

This person (posted on a hate Reddit) below actually made a very good point. That was back when they had the conspiracy theory that the other side had anything to do with her story. We didn't.

The fact that her Twitter profile ( indicated that she works for Amazon (games, but not Lumberyard), should have been a clue that she was stepping off a cliff, and about to drop into a minefield.

Then she did. And the rest is history.

The other side didn't use her as propaganda at all, and no more than ALL the other refund posts in that sub Reddit. In fact, last I checked, there wasn't a SINGLE post about her refund and how her dev role gave any credibility to it. Personally, as most people know, I have LOTS of industry people in my social media feed, especially on Facebook - and most of them were Star Citizen backers who got a refund without making a big deal out of it. In fact, until her fiasco, I'm still the only industry person whose forced refund ever went public. But that's ONLY because CIG, in their infinite wisdom, decided to issue a FALSE press statement to PC Gamer, and made a big deal out of it because of who I was, and because they saw me as a threat. You all can thank Ben Lesnick (yeah shocking, I know) for that one, as he was a proponent of that dumb and disastrous decision. I've been on their case since. I actually just covered this in my latest blog (

I personally had several Twitter DM exchanges with her, in which I even advised her NOT to delete her Tweets, as she was planning to do because of the harassment that those guys were levying against her. Funny story: I know people she has worked with; and when one of them reached out to me - after seeing the discussion in my feed - that was the ONLY reason why she and I even had a Twitter DM exchange. It is, after all, a very small industry.

This bullshit has NOTHING to do with Star Citizen. She was a backer. Until she wasn't. End of story. There is no story here, aside from the impending noise that whatever it is you are about to air, goes live. Then we're back where we started. To what end? What is there to be gained?

Hey, as I said, people have to take responsibility for their actions. At least, like she voluntarily made her refund public, doing an interview - regardless of merit or discourse - is her decision to make. Most of us are just in this Star Citizen fiasco for the lols.

Bring it.

And furthermore

Hey, it's your show, you can do what you want. Though I feel as if you didn't quite "get" what I was actually talking about.

The point that I was making has absolutely nothing to do with "defending" oneself. In fact, I quoted the part that you have in your descriptor. Here, so you don't have to scroll, I will copy and paste it again.

"So, the long and short, after Her twitter post was blown up into a propaganda piece by one side and she was attacked by the other side"

I found it to be inflammatory (trust me, I know all about that) and sets the wrong tone for whatever it is you're going to be broadcast. You immediately made it about "two sides", this despite the fact it had nothing to do with that all.

I am commenting on this because clearly you have NO idea how this whole thing even blew up. The short version:

1) She Tweeted this:

2) Someone posted it in my Discord channel

3) I Tweeted this:

4) The denizens of the /r/ds hate-Red, saw it. And just like they do with everything in my feed, they created an attack thread out of it, and proceeded to attack me and her. The same way they attack anyone who refunds from the project - even you (as you well know)

5) Goons got involved by creating their own thread (since it's about refunds)

6) For whatever reason, she shows up on Reddit, to engage posters and "defend/explain" herself

7) As things got heated, both in her Twitter feed and on Reddit, she said she was going to delete her Tweet etc

8) During all that, both in my public Tweets and in our private exchange, I told her to just ignore them and to not respond

- The End.

So how exactly did I or even that one side (the "refunds" sub) use this for "propaganda"? The evidence is there that the only people who attacked and/or derided her, are the same toxic clowns parked on a hate-Red doing what they do 24-7 because you know, any dissenting opinion about Star Citizen is either Derek Smart, an alt, or someone who has betrayed the cult.

And guess what, as if that wasn't bad enough, your teaser descriptor "Star Citizen - The Yakaru Interview, A Look Inside CIG and SC" now has those same clowns making posts alluding to the fact that she worked for CIG on the side, didn't take a job there, has inner workings of the company etc. You know, ALL the things she would be STUPID to even comment on publicly IF in fact she decides to talk about ANY of that with you - or anyone for that matter. How exactly do you think she's going to give you a "look inside CIG and SC" without either breaching an NDA, or sending out a message to potential employers that she can't be trusted to keep company information secret? You know, the sort of thing that NDAs are designed for. And even IF she doesn't have an NDA, it's basically CAREER SUICIDE if she tells you ANYTHING (good, bad, or ugly) - on the record - about the inner workings of the company. And you would be complicit in that if you aired it.

I have to believe that you're better than this, and smart enough to fully research something like this before embarking on commentary that is not only inflammatory, but which also serves to skew the events as they unfolded.

Finally, the ONLY reason I am even responding is because, again, your teaser video appeared in my Discord channel. And since I was the one who did the original Tweet, I felt that I had to explain how it happened because clearly your version of the facts is tainted, and only serves to promote further discourse, rather than address anything. As if the few hundred people who are likely to see the stream, are somehow going to have a different opinion of what happened, let alone get a grip on what actually happened almost a MONTH ago, Sept 18th.

I'm going to have to write a blog now, aren't I?

UPDATE: He took down the video. I had it in my cache. So I have replaced the link with an image of it because I want to preserve his description of the video.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2017, 09:41:34 AM by dsmart »
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: The Star Citizenship
« Reply #448 on: October 12, 2017, 10:33:39 AM »
Apparently Evocati are running their own anti-FUD campaign now.

It all reads like a load of horseshit to me.
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: The Star Citizenship
« Reply #449 on: October 13, 2017, 08:59:17 AM »
Oh yeah, this it totally going to go down really well.

My comment.

On the "left": The guys on /r/starcitizen_refunds/ dedicated to exposing Star Citizen as a SCAM, and helping backers get refunds. And no, not all of them are Goons.

On the "alt-off-right": The guys on /r/ds parked on a hate sub Reddit for targeted harassment against an individual saying bad stuff about a video game, while waging an Internet wide war against dissenting opinions on Star Citizen. The guys who see Derek Smart everywhere, and who can't stand the fact that the train-wreck they backed, and which - even as I type this - is coming to its explosive end - could possibly be a SCAM.

That said, as to your "tease" video, and opening description...

You do realize this is bullshit, right? And it's going to be just another fuel for discourse? Let me explain my POV.

"Her twitter post was blown up into a propaganda piece by one side and she was attacked by the other side"

If the above excerpt is in fact the sentiment expressed in that interview, then one thing is certain - it's only going to get worse.

People need to take responsibility for their actions. She Tweeted that she got a refund - as is her right. Then the "alt-off-right" got wind of it from my Twitter feed (they stalk it 24-7), created a Reddit thread out it etc. As did the other guys on the refunds sub, which is actually the correct place where it would be.

THEN, as if the Twitter nonsense wasn't bad enough, she decided to walk right up to the edge of the cliff, then walked off it, by going to Reddit to "explain" herself. As if she needed any justification or explanation on how she spends her money, why she got a refund etc.

This person (posted on a hate Reddit) below actually made a very good point. That was back when they had the conspiracy theory that the other side had anything to do with her story. We didn't.

The fact that her Twitter profile ( indicated that she works for Amazon (games, but not Lumberyard), should have been a clue that she was stepping off a cliff, and about to drop into a minefield.

Then she did. And the rest is history.

The other side didn't use her as propaganda at all, and no more than ALL the other refund posts in that sub Reddit. In fact, last I checked, there wasn't a SINGLE post about her refund and how her dev role gave any credibility to it. Personally, as most people know, I have LOTS of industry people in my social media feed, especially on Facebook - and most of them were Star Citizen backers who got a refund without making a big deal out of it. In fact, until her fiasco, I'm still the only industry person whose forced refund ever went public. But that's ONLY because CIG, in their infinite wisdom, decided to issue a FALSE press statement to PC Gamer, and made a big deal out of it because of who I was, and because they saw me as a threat. You all can thank Ben Lesnick (yeah shocking, I know) for that one, as he was a proponent of that dumb and disastrous decision. I've been on their case since. I actually just covered this in my latest blog (

I personally had several Twitter DM exchanges with her, in which I even advised her NOT to delete her Tweets, as she was planning to do because of the harassment that those guys were levying against her. Funny story: I know people she has worked with; and when one of them reached out to me - after seeing the discussion in my feed - that was the ONLY reason why she and I even had a Twitter DM exchange. It is, after all, a very small industry.

This bullshit has NOTHING to do with Star Citizen. She was a backer. Until she wasn't. End of story. There is no story here, aside from the impending noise that whatever it is you are about to air, goes live. Then we're back where we started. To what end? What is there to be gained?

Hey, as I said, people have to take responsibility for their actions. At least, like she voluntarily made her refund public, doing an interview - regardless of merit or discourse - is her decision to make. Most of us are just in this Star Citizen fiasco for the lols.

Bring it.

And furthermore

Hey, it's your show, you can do what you want. Though I feel as if you didn't quite "get" what I was actually talking about.

The point that I was making has absolutely nothing to do with "defending" oneself. In fact, I quoted the part that you have in your descriptor. Here, so you don't have to scroll, I will copy and paste it again.

"So, the long and short, after Her twitter post was blown up into a propaganda piece by one side and she was attacked by the other side"

I found it to be inflammatory (trust me, I know all about that) and sets the wrong tone for whatever it is you're going to be broadcast. You immediately made it about "two sides", this despite the fact it had nothing to do with that all.

I am commenting on this because clearly you have NO idea how this whole thing even blew up. The short version:

1) She Tweeted this:

2) Someone posted it in my Discord channel

3) I Tweeted this:

4) The denizens of the /r/ds hate-Red, saw it. And just like they do with everything in my feed, they created an attack thread out of it, and proceeded to attack me and her. The same way they attack anyone who refunds from the project - even you (as you well know)

5) Goons got involved by creating their own thread (since it's about refunds)

6) For whatever reason, she shows up on Reddit, to engage posters and "defend/explain" herself

7) As things got heated, both in her Twitter feed and on Reddit, she said she was going to delete her Tweet etc

8) During all that, both in my public Tweets and in our private exchange, I told her to just ignore them and to not respond

- The End.

So how exactly did I or even that one side (the "refunds" sub) use this for "propaganda"? The evidence is there that the only people who attacked and/or derided her, are the same toxic clowns parked on a hate-Red doing what they do 24-7 because you know, any dissenting opinion about Star Citizen is either Derek Smart, an alt, or someone who has betrayed the cult.

And guess what, as if that wasn't bad enough, your teaser descriptor "Star Citizen - The Yakaru Interview, A Look Inside CIG and SC" now has those same clowns making posts alluding to the fact that she worked for CIG on the side, didn't take a job there, has inner workings of the company etc. You know, ALL the things she would be STUPID to even comment on publicly IF in fact she decides to talk about ANY of that with you - or anyone for that matter. How exactly do you think she's going to give you a "look inside CIG and SC" without either breaching an NDA, or sending out a message to potential employers that she can't be trusted to keep company information secret? You know, the sort of thing that NDAs are designed for. And even IF she doesn't have an NDA, it's basically CAREER SUICIDE if she tells you ANYTHING (good, bad, or ugly) - on the record - about the inner workings of the company. And you would be complicit in that if you aired it.

I have to believe that you're better than this, and smart enough to fully research something like this before embarking on commentary that is not only inflammatory, but which also serves to skew the events as they unfolded.

Finally, the ONLY reason I am even responding is because, again, your teaser video appeared in my Discord channel. And since I was the one who did the original Tweet, I felt that I had to explain how it happened because clearly your version of the facts is tainted, and only serves to promote further discourse, rather than address anything. As if the few hundred people who are likely to see the stream, are somehow going to have a different opinion of what happened, let alone get a grip on what actually happened almost a MONTH ago, Sept 18th.

I'm going to have to write a blog now, aren't I?

UPDATE: He took down the video. I had it in my cache. So I have replaced the link with an image of it because I want to preserve his description of the video.

He has posted another video. I left him a comment which he has now removed. Shocking.

This is bullshit. And you're a coward. And a fool.

This is precisely why you don't send a boy to do a man's job. If you can't stand the heat, don't go into the kitchen. In fact, stay out of the house!

First, you've already refunded (as you have claimed), but somehow, despite the fact that you have NOTHING invested (unlike me who is unequivocally out to put people in jail over this scam), you continue to make these videos which serve NO purpose other than to paint a giant "LOOK AT ME!!" bullseye on your ass.

Now, in what is the dumbest move to date, you squandered and completely KILLED all the goodwill and credibility you once had via those videos for drama. But when you consider that only a complete FOOL would spend $7K on a video game, it all kinda makes sense that you're probably a few berries short of a blueberry pie.

As if that wasn't bad enough, somehow you thought it was a brilliant idea to reach out to someone who, attention seeking aside, stands to lose more than you, if they went on the record about ANYTHING related to Star Citizen and/or CIG.

Then, you decided to create a teaser announcement video about it, complete with drama seeking inflammatory rhetoric. Which, now that I think about it, was probably a good move because, my comments ( - preserved because somehow I figured that you would kill that video - aside, I'm quite sure that it didn't generate the sort of responses you were hoping for. You certainly didn't count on me dropping truth bombs in your feed.

Now that it has dawned on you - and her - that this was a DUMB thing to do, instead of just pulling the video and letting the whole thing die, you come up with yet more bullshit to justify your own blatant stupidity.

No, the video didn't "destroy the intent, and made it the source of drama". YOU made this whole thing the source of drama. And the fact that she was dumb enough to agree to do this, puts you and her in the same boat, up shit creek, in a boat with holes, and  without a paddle.

While I'm at it, please explain to me at which point did it dawn on you that "making another video which could be twisted to fit an agenda" would bother you? What? There was a power outage or short circuit in both your brains during the discussion about doing this interview? Or was it during the interview itself? All those email exchanges that you and her had, leading to setting up the time, doing the interview, you post-processing it etc, there was never a point where it occurred to you that the power was probably out upstairs, and that you two inconsequential tools were about to step into a HIGHLY POLARIZED minefield of epic proportions? And that it was going to end up hurting one person (her) more than the other (you).

Aside from the fact that, without my permission, she shared privileged communications that I had with her, and which YOU made public in that video's comment, until I asked you to remove it. But I will deal with both of you later on that. The point is, God only knows what other privileged communication she may have shared with you. Either from her job at Amazon Game Studios which may have made her privy to that studios involvement with CIG and indeed the Star Citizen project, or during her short time work with CIG. BOTH of which I am quite certain are protected by NDA in some form. I mention this because the description ("Star Citizen - The Yakaru Interview, A Look Inside CIG and SC") for your video was highly suspicious, inflammatory, and gave the impression that she had decided to go full Leroy Jenkins with inside info on Star Citizen and CIG. Which was the point of my comments to you.

No, we don't know that the video had "...easily verifiable statements or facts out of context to fit a preconceived narrative" because it NEVER aired. What on Earth are you going on about? You know that's not how that works, right? Aside from that, how does a statement of fact, or easily verifiable information, get around the provisions of an NDA, let alone the inherent risks to her employment? Tip: Just because it's true and/or verifiable, doesn't mean it's OK to share on the record, and without permission. There is a reason why, time and time again, courts have upheld NDA decisions. The latest being the crippling fines imposed on parties who were found to have breached an NDA as per Zenimax v Oculus. Sure, people breach them all the time - just don't get caught. That's what leaks are about.

And don't thank me for being in your channel, or being the cause of you not continuing to deride CIG over a train wreck. I only came here when I got wind of the fact that YOU had decided to jump feet first into drama that you CLEARLY didn't have first hand knowledge of, and in which I was involved.

Annoyance aside, while I have to believe that your intentions were noble, the fact remains that you clearly don't know what it means to TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for one's actions. The mark of a leader and/or a decent person, is to take responsibility for actions and words, while NOT making excuses or blaming other people for one's own follies. You did that in your comments in that video. You did that in the description of the video. And here - again - you're doing the SAME thing in the very video in which you're proclaiming: "Hey guyz! I screwed up! It must have been the cold medicine". You couldn't just OWN the shit that YOU started, you had to wave it off on third-parties who had NO hand in it - at all.

Own this shit, and take it LIKE A MAN! It's all on you.

ps: I know you have friends in Evocati,  so you already know - without a doubt - that 3.0 is a pure and utter disaster. Maybe your time is better spent spreading the word so the fools who are still funding Chris Roberts' Golden parachute, know what's coming. That's worthy of your time, not all this other crap.

UPDATE: He called me a cuck, then hid my comments  :vince:

« Last Edit: October 14, 2017, 07:03:23 AM by dsmart »
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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