Author Topic: Star Citizen Citizenship  (Read 2257533 times)


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Re: Sad Citizens
« Reply #120 on: May 09, 2017, 11:13:33 AM »
Am I the only one who finds it hilarious that /r/ds thinks I'm OSC; and if so, that means I've been owning them completely all week?  :vince:

He wrote two masterpieces this morning about the potential legal situation for CIG (Sandi's in it).


And since he showed up and dragged Jester86 (/r/ds mod) into his thread and gave him a 10K word lashing (PT1, PT2) about his toxic Reddit, /r/ds has been in complete meltdown mode.

This was a lovely takedown when they claimed that I called Sandi a prostitute. They claim to be "archiving", but nobody could find a single instance of me saying it. Weird, that.

That guy is brutal. When I grow up, I want to be just like him.  :glomp:

I am having to look up what anti-SLAAP is.

It sounds to me like some cosmetic surgery procedure for women worried about the size of their beef curtains

He spelled it wrong as it's actually anti-SLAPP (as in anti-Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation). SLAPP lawsuits are generally used by corporations against little guys to pressure them into shutting the hell up about any complaints they have about the corporation. They generally aren't lawsuits that the corporation expects to win, but the idea is that the legal costs are negligible to them while being extortionate for the little guy.

So the little guy will be forced into shutting the hell up because they cannot afford the legal costs, even on the minimal chance that they lose the (generally) frivolous lawsuits that are filed to silence them. It was actually a SLAPP suit that led to the creation of the well-known 'Streisand Effect'.


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Re: Sad Citizens
« Reply #121 on: May 09, 2017, 01:06:13 PM »
I interrupt this program, to bring you more LOLS (1, 2) from OSC.

Quick word on the money. Last night while I was continuing my research, I was browsing the project website. I went to the store, looked around, made some notes etc. Then a very disturbing feeling came over me. Say you are a backer who has paid $250 to a company for them to create a game. You see a mouse pad or t-shirt for sale. You buy it. How many backers were able to deduce that they had paid money to CIG, who then used some of that money to manufacture goods at low cost, which they then sold back to the backer at a premium. I am going to leave you with that picture in your mind.

There's a t-shirt!!  :laugh:

Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Sad Citizens
« Reply #122 on: May 09, 2017, 01:37:12 PM »
LOL!! Listen to Twerk17 compare the Eve and ED communities to Star Citizen's community. It starts around 1:12

Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Sad Citizens
« Reply #123 on: May 09, 2017, 02:08:50 PM »
Am I the only one who finds it hilarious that /r/ds thinks I'm OSC; and if so, that means I've been owning them completely all week?  :vince:

He wrote two masterpieces this morning about the potential legal situation for CIG (Sandi's in it).


And since he showed up and dragged Jester86 (/r/ds mod) into his thread and gave him a 10K word lashing (PT1, PT2) about his toxic Reddit, /r/ds has been in complete meltdown mode.

This was a lovely takedown when they claimed that I called Sandi a prostitute. They claim to be "archiving", but nobody could find a single instance of me saying it. Weird, that.

That guy is brutal. When I grow up, I want to be just like him.  :glomp:

Some of OldSchoolCmdr (OCG) latest hits.

1) He keeps asking Shitizens for evidence of all the things they are claiming. He has had several exchanges with this one guy, but man, this one was hilarious.

That's not evidence. You haven't provided any. You have failed, at every instance, to provide any evidence of anything that you have claimed.
If I were interrogating or deposing you, I think you would start sweating first, even as the feelings of despair creates knots in your stomach, and cramp your feet. You will then shift in your seat, to ease the discomfort, and reach for the glass of water you've almost finished, despite being only 5 mins into a gruesome 2 hr long session. You will stutter, and stammer, and repeat questions, as your brain finds every ploy to think on your feet. Then at the point you decide that you've been wasting everyone's time, it will occur to you that everything you just said on the record, not only cause you more harm, but you never produced any evidence to back up anything you claimed. That's when the crying usually starts. Followed by the 3rd or 4th bathroom break.

2) They keep accusing me - without evidence - of saying mean things about Sandi. When one guy ask "Alright. So as long as she isn't willing to indulge him in court, he gets to claim whatever he wants as per usual.", this was his response (PT1, PT2).

3) Some guy watched my Periscope video over the weekend and somehow concluded that my priorities had changed. Of course he went to misrepresent my actual statements. This was the response by OSC. Part of that, he wrote up a list of FOUR things that I had been right about since 2015. These are things that Shitizens keep ignoring btw; even as they create a lengthy bogus list about my failed (my favorite is the "90 days to collapse one") predictions. Yes, they're morons.

5) that he was right about a lot of things back in 2015.

(a) the money: they would need $150m. 2 years later they are at $148m and game still not done

(b) the engine: they didn't have the tech or the right engine. 2 years later they switched to LumberYard

(c) refunds: they were not doing no-questions-asked refunds as they should. they started doing it 2 years later after one person tested his theory about the TOS which they later changed to strengthen that aspect

(d) schedule: which they started doing 2 yrs later

Also, we had an exchange when he was asking me about Jester86 (mod of /r/ds) regarding his comment here. He had posted it here, but the /r/StarCitizen/ mod removed (here's why) it because he said OSC was re-posting something on my behalf. Here is the full text. Goons had also made an image before it was removed.

Hi /u/jester86

Sorry to tag you, but I will never post in your Reddit, and I didn't want to send you a message because you had posted about this in public. I felt that you would want his response to your comment in the public domain as well.

Anyway, I had some exchanges with Dr. Smart, and he confirms what you said to me. He gave me the all clear to share his comment. Below is quoted verbatim; I only removed a word I would not want to use here.
    i) I don't always agree with how the Reddit is moderated sometimes, but the mods (mostly that Jester86 guy) have been diligent in removing objectionable material. Sure he is biased, but I don't believe that he is intentionally condoning what those guys have devolved the Reddit into; and I think that it would be unfair to pin it all on him. Those guys are completely unhinged, and it's a full time job to keep them in line. I read your two page posts to him, and though you didn't specifically go after him, I thought your closing paragraph (forgotten what page it was on) was a bit harsh. He has never attacked me, nor treated me with any disrespect. Disdain and annoyance? Maybe. He responds to my messages, we argue sometimes, but that's the gist of it. The last time we had an argument was about 3-4 weeks ago when he found out that my attorneys and I had opened an active dialog/complaint with Reddit upper echelons, and we were already discussing the Reddit with them. Yes, he is overseeing a toxic Reddit, but he's right, he didn't create it. He inherited it and without him, I believe that the creator would either close it, or let it devolve (which would get it shutdown by Reddit) into a worse problem. Think about what happened in Libya when Ghadafi was killed, or Iraq when Saddam was killed.

    ii) Is it an attack sub (I call it a hate-Redd), well, you be the judge. But by the same token, I don't want to see it closed. They have a right to voice their opinion as much as they want; and the collection of what's there, as you yourself have written, falls right in the middle of harassment territory. So the Reddit is serving precisely the purpose for which it was intended: archiving their on-going harassment (via a proxy war they are fighting for RSI). That being, a collection of toxic Star Citizens (aka ******) showing the true nature of the most vocal part of the community. It's like herding cats. We know where they are - all the time. And when this train-wreck finally goes off the last rail, that's where we are going to be drinking their tears from. So closing that Reddit would rob me and my Goon friends, of that hilarity. It will also remove legacy data which may come in handy in any lawsuit stemming from this train-wreck. Also we have a code of conduct. I feed them scraps via my social media feed once in awhile; they "archive" it, then feed their angst, ego, and fetishes, for a few hundred posts. On good days, I can yield over 150 posts just by Tweeting nonsense (in 140 chars or less) just to wind them up while sitting on the toilet. Sometimes if I am busy or write something elsewhere (e.g. on my forum, SomethingAwful or Frontier Dev), they can get a lunch buffet which lasts them a few days. A really good one (e.g. if I point out the technical challenges of the project, or say something about their erstwhile Messiah) tends to yield several threads and 350+ posts.

    iii) I saw a thread in which Jester86 is looking to turn off comments. Aside from the fact that the OP clearly proves that they are in a harassment campaign because they would rather "I shut up about their stupid game", I think it's a bad idea (see above). What I think he should do is, identify the top (there are 9-13 of them) abusers, then put them all on auto-mod. Most of the other guys (think of the weaklings in a prison, walking around holding the pocket of their master) are just there for the lols. My crazy Goon friends (who are no angels btw. some tend to get carried away, and ruin everything) usually pick these guys off, make them weep (we can tell), which then brings in the big guns (the real targets). Are they mocking me? Hell yeah! Do I care? Well, you've seen me on Usenet - what do you think? That stuff tends not to faze me. It's when they dox me, bring my family and personal affairs/life into things, that I tend to take the gloves off and go postal. All their accusations of doxing, stalking etc are nonsense. It just feeds their angst. I know all the ones who are in the US, but my goal is not to spend legal bills on idiots who will just cry into a bowl the first time they received a court order. I have bigger fish to fry; and that bbq is coming sooner than they think.
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Sad Citizens
« Reply #124 on: May 10, 2017, 05:48:01 AM »
They seem to have given up replying now.

Game Set and Match I say !


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Re: Sad Citizens
« Reply #125 on: May 10, 2017, 07:48:35 AM »
They seem to have given up replying now.

It appears so. I guess getting consistently owned has its downsides. I particularly liked this latest post from last night where one of those clowns was trying to deny facts surrounding all the key things that I have been correct about.

Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Sad Citizens
« Reply #126 on: May 11, 2017, 03:55:56 PM »
OSC is back with another masterful post. This time, taking on the money issue.

FYI: In case you missed his recent take on the toxic community, as per the NYT article.
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Sad Citizens
« Reply #127 on: May 13, 2017, 06:28:57 AM »
So last night Redditor OldSchoolCmdr who has been a thorn in the sides of toxic Star Citizen backers these past two weeks made a fantabulous post (image) about the project financials.

Whatever happened, shortly after his Reddit account disappeared. Though we don't know this to be true, word is that the /r/StarCitizen mods probably got him shadowbanned by their Reddit admin friends. Either that, or as Shitizens are known to do, they probably mass reported his thread and his account got auto-shadowbanned by a Reddit bot.

They did the same thing to me when I encroached on their Reddit hug box. Trevor Noblitt (/u/Dolvak/) when he was a mod of /r/StarCitizen, got a Reddit admin to shadowban (it no longer is) my account for dubious (apparently posting a LinkedIn url is doxing now) reasons. It wasn't long before he was caught in a scandal, and forced to step aside as mod due to shady business between him, INN (a Star Citizen shillizen site) where he used to "write", and CIG. He is one of the guys who, along with the existing mods in /r/StarCitizen and /r/DerekSmart, put that Reddit under the control of some CIG community members who they have a long standing relationship with. This is why most of the Star Citizen backers are mindful of the fact that their Reddit is under the control by of CIG by proxy. The same way that some of those same mods are also mods and purveyors of profit in /r/StarCitizen_Trades where Star Citizen ships are bought and sold.

For the past two weeks, some Star Citizen backers have been speculating that he was either my alt, or the alt of a Goon. I can safely say that, as much as I would love to take credit for the hilarious consternation that he's caused those delusional toxic clowns, I'm not him. And AFAIK, none of the Goons have taken credit. In fact, the only Goon that we know of who can match me for voluminous (aka effort posts) writings, Gorf, has been MIA for months now, saying that he was sick of the Star Citizen fiasco.

The hilarious thing is that some of those Shitizen clowns have been tying themselves in knots coming up with all kinds of reasons why they think he's my alt. Bear in mind that those guys are so nuts that any time they see a dissenting post they claim it's either me or a Goon using an alt. 

I don't, never have, never will use alts. People who have known me since Usenet, know this about me. Using alts didn't earn me my Internet Warlord medals and stripes. Accusing an opposing person of being an alt, is the oldest deflection trick in the social media book of discourse.

Their primary reasons behind their claims of OSC being me? 

1) He writes effort posts like I do
2) He sometimes references my blogs and writings, and appears to believe them
3) That he can put together an entire coherent paragraph
4) My writing "style". apparently using (1,2,3) nomenclature for cited sources, a staple of Reddit, Wikipedia and most comment systems, is so unique that anyone who uses it, is me
5) I write about his posts

Yes, it's all so hilarious.

The fact that he never uses hyperbole, sticks to facts and evidence in his posts etc, are all safely ignored of course. And he was always polite, and never lost his cool - no matter how fast and furious the attacks were. Don't take my word for it, go look at his posts. Now that his Reddit user profile is gone, you can't see all of them in one place, but his posts are easy to find in the only three threads he has posted in since he appeared on Reddit two weeks ago.

May 12th, 2017, Let's Talk Financial Accountability
May 10th, 2017, Videogame Raised $148 Million From Fans
May 1st, 2017, Potential Backer With Questions

Remember when I said it was hilarious?

Anyway, I have reached out to him via Lockbin (where he first contacted me two weeks ago) to ask if he heard from Reddit about why his account was shadowbanned. I will post when I know more. Hopefully it was just Shitizens up to their suppression tactics again, and this was just a bot that banned his account.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2017, 07:41:51 AM by dsmart »
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Sad Citizens
« Reply #128 on: May 13, 2017, 06:42:06 AM »
Bah; let them make OSC beeing you if that is all they can come up with. These stupids will never understand anything outside their SC bubble , what I find more worrying is in the case the admins really shadowbanned him based on presumptions...


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Re: Sad Citizens
« Reply #129 on: May 14, 2017, 07:54:55 AM »
Bah; let them make OSC beeing you if that is all they can come up with. These stupids will never understand anything outside their SC bubble , what I find more worrying is in the case the admins really shadowbanned him based on presumptions...

I heard back from him. He says he is shadowbanned and that he contacted the mods since Fri; but nobody has responded to him. Even /u/qwints who used to engage in his subjects. Which means that this was definitely something that the mods did.

Meanwhile, /u/Jester86 who is the mod of /r/ds/ had this to say about it:

A brand new account with minimal karma can be flagged as a spam bot if nearly all their comments are flagged as spam. I'm not saying that's what happened, or even possible in this case, but if someone posts exclusively on one sub and the mods go through their entire history to flag everything as spam a shadowban can be imposed automatically.

Meanwhile, the Star Citizen community outrage over CCu fees continues. This one is eye-opening.

Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.

Mr M

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Re: Sad Citizens
« Reply #130 on: May 14, 2017, 08:09:10 AM »
I see the citizens have updated their game development graph...

So I thought I'd join in the fun ;)


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Re: Sad Citizens
« Reply #131 on: May 14, 2017, 08:15:37 AM »
There was an interesting graph posted few times ago, that included the pre-alpha comparison times. SC was the ever going prealpha compared to everyother, making the whole development time a joke.


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Re: Sad Citizens
« Reply #132 on: May 14, 2017, 08:46:55 AM »
Yeah, they use those graphs as if CIG is already a seasoned dev with shipped games. They're fucking morons.
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Citizen. Get a Refund
« Reply #133 on: May 14, 2017, 08:47:46 AM »
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Sad Citizens
« Reply #134 on: May 14, 2017, 09:38:39 AM »
I heard back from him. He says he is shadowbanned and that he contacted the mods since Fri; but nobody has responded to him. Even /u/qwints who used to engage in his subjects. Which means that this was definitely something that the mods did.

Looks like OSC is back, but in a different Reddit

Star Citizen - Let's Talk Financial Accountability

Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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