Could this be the final nail in the SC coffin?
Think about it. The main reason the fanboys give to excuse the lack of progress is that SC has never been done before: nobody has tried to create a massively multiplayer solar system filled with thousands of players, a dynamic economy, full scale planets where you can go anywhere and do anything be that mining / trading / fighting / piracy etc all with high fidelity graphics.
Only in a few days all of that is going to be accomplished, almost every single promise Chris Roberts made is going to be realised in Dual Universe. Just without the ships, but even that doesn't matter as I'm pretty sure you could build your own collection of SC ships in Dual Universe anyway (and sell them!!!).
I have no doubt that the true believers will dismiss it. But just as we had with the Elite Dangerous space legs reveal: it's going to make a lot of backers ask some very searching questions about the project - only more so this time, because it won't be a fancy trailer that drops later this month, it will be the actual game (in beta) with endless YouTube and Twitch streams showing what Dual Universe is capable of.
I can't wait to see SC Reddit tear itself apart over this one.
PS. check out the comments for the video as well, some of them might mention Star Citizen.