Not sure if you just really have an issue with Derek? Even if you took Derek out of the equation and just did you own research you would have to question a great deal of what has transpired. This entire project since 2011 has been one big disaster of awful management and greed that has no bounds.
So many say I'm just a fudster and never wanted it to come to fruition but I'm positive I attempted more to help the project than 99.99% of the backers. There are
just so man issues with the project its just hard for me to understand why anyone support it.
I've followed along reasonably closely since I backed SC, many moons ago, around 2014/15 I think. I find it difficult to care very much about video games and managed to get other people to buy me a few ships, so I'm just not that invested, either financially or emotionally, to be that bothered. Qué Sera Sera.
They changed scope, added features and made mistakes and I just don't care. I'm told most games go through similar troubles during development but CIG is just doing it publicly.
I think 'hubris' is a better term than 'greed', as should Chris fail to produce these games, it would be disastrous for him. He's got to produce a couple of decent video games at some point, I personally don't care about how long it takes.
I do like chatting with you all here, it's fun. Derek's particular stance and blog writing and Twitter rants and interviews and everything else he's got up to over the last few years just make him a gold mine of funny opinions and quotes, so yeah, poking the Derek bear is amusing.
I haven't supported CI for years, financially, however I do still believe I'll be getting a couple of games to play at some point and I do so love a little argument now and then.