Author Topic: Star Citizen Lies, Ramblings, Jpegs, and Bullshit  (Read 569869 times)


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Re: Star Citizen Lies, Ramblings, Jpegs, and Bullshit
« Reply #330 on: September 01, 2019, 01:24:25 AM »
There is a rumour that the QA haven't been paid for August on SA, it hasn't come from the agent, so who knows.


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Re: Star Citizen Lies, Ramblings, Jpegs, and Bullshit
« Reply #331 on: September 01, 2019, 01:45:37 AM »
Recently i watched the following video of the 890j.
That ship is somewhat of an eptiome of the whole problem they've got. A pipe dream ship, only valuable to non mechanics oriented people, which role most likely would never function in an actual game, which most likely bound qutie some resources and most likely made them quite some money from the whales.


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Re: Star Citizen Lies, Ramblings, Jpegs, and Bullshit
« Reply #332 on: September 01, 2019, 12:07:16 PM »
A bit jarring to put a vegan dessert after a non-vegan starter and main course but what do I know.

Sausage and chips (that's fries for you Americans) - really pushing the boat out.


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Re: Star Citizen Lies, Ramblings, Jpegs, and Bullshit
« Reply #333 on: September 02, 2019, 09:46:06 AM »
Sausage and chips (that's fries for you Americans) - really pushing the boat out.

No expense spared for members of the Chairman's club!

Don't get me wrong, sausage and chips is a firm favourite of mine (dollop of curry sauce to dip and I'm in heaven). But if I'm shelling out a few notes for a presentation and a dinner I'd expect something with a bit more finesse.

After radio silence from CIG, the latest Pillar Talk drops:

Short, no Chris, no explanation apart from the quarterly release cycle being unworkable. Basically they are still going to have quarterly releases, but they will split the teams so that one half is on one release, the others on the next one.  They have probably bought themselves some more time with the believers as the changes can be explained by adjusting to the new cadence. Loads of backers in Reddit arguing about Agile, it is clear both they and CIG have no idea what it is about. I wish this was uncommon in development but it really isn't lol.

Elsewhere they have released the roadmap and S42 has been delayed by three months... Is that all? Just moving the dangled carrot slightly further down the road.
Sausage and chips (that's fries for you Americans) - really pushing the boat out.

It has been getting downvoted pretty heavily too. Despite all the youtube comments about the video being devoid of content, I reckon even 2 years ago this video would have been lapped up by thirsty shitizens. They would have heaped it with praise as a glowing example of CIG being open and sharing internal release strategies. Backer goodwill appears to be running out for CIG.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2019, 10:47:41 AM by helimoth »


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Re: Star Citizen Lies, Ramblings, Jpegs, and Bullshit
« Reply #334 on: September 08, 2019, 09:14:23 AM »

Years from today, long after Chris has been tractor-beamed off to the cooler to pay his debt to society and that mansion of his has been auctioned off, a movie will probably be made to chronicle and turn a profit from this sad catastrophe. When that time comes, someone from Hollywood (which won't be Chris, lol) might just reach out to you so my question is: Will you reprise your role the Internet Warlord - prolific shitposter and provocateur Derek Smart on the silver screen? Will you be strong enough, brave enough to... answer the call?


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Re: Star Citizen Lies, Ramblings, Jpegs, and Bullshit
« Reply #335 on: September 14, 2019, 11:27:38 AM »
so my question is: Will you reprise your role the Internet Warlord - prolific shitposter and provocateur Derek Smart on the silver screen? Will you be strong enough, brave enough to... answer the call?

YES to all of the above :emot-lol:
Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen Lies, Ramblings, Jpegs, and Bullshit
« Reply #336 on: September 16, 2019, 08:27:15 PM »
Will you be strong enough, brave enough to... answer the call?

I'm certainly looking forward to the "American Greed" episode case or whatever network financial crime documentary film/specials made of the the most infamous ks to game project ponzi ever foisted in the entire history of the gaming industry and the interview clips of Derek as the foremost authority on the debacle. And the best thing about it will be everyone, the millions of onlookers and the naysaying sillizens will have to acknowledge the tdlr message that "DS was right!" in the end.

It's going to be a hoot seeing Sandi compared to Theranos' ms. holmes in lunacy. And all the video exposing of the auctioned off ill-gotten gains of CRobber's "estate", the extravagant wasteful personal expenses, and the crazy working climate culture of tyranny as the ex-underlings en masse finally speak out of the horror.

« Last Edit: September 16, 2019, 08:34:48 PM by krylite »


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Re: Star Citizen Lies, Ramblings, Jpegs, and Bullshit
« Reply #337 on: September 17, 2019, 01:31:35 AM »
I'm certainly looking forward to the "American Greed" episode case or whatever network financial crime documentary film/specials made of the the most infamous ks to game project ponzi ever foisted in the entire history of the gaming industry and the interview clips of Derek as the foremost authority on the debacle. And the best thing about it will be everyone, the millions of onlookers and the naysaying sillizens will have to acknowledge the tdlr message that "DS was right!" in the end.

It's going to be a hoot seeing Sandi compared to Theranos' ms. holmes in lunacy. And all the video exposing of the auctioned off ill-gotten gains of CRobber's "estate", the extravagant wasteful personal expenses, and the crazy working climate culture of tyranny as the ex-underlings en masse finally speak out of the horror.

Much like Fyre festival, the backers getting shafted won't be what screws Roberts. He can point to the game, such as it is, and say they tried to deliver. It will be when he messes with the big money that he will get royally fucked.


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Re: Star Citizen Lies, Ramblings, Jpegs, and Bullshit
« Reply #338 on: October 03, 2019, 05:34:23 AM »
Liar, Liar, pants on fire.

CIG admitting finally that the 46 mil wasn't for marketing... and that they had a paltry 2.9M in CIG UK at the end of 2018, and that they are spending more than they are making.

"£17m from a minority equity investment, the UK part of the $46M worldwide investment into the Cloud Imperium Group made in 2018" - Hmm where is the rest of I wonder, propping up the Austin and German studios no doubt.



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Re: Star Citizen Lies, Ramblings, Jpegs, and Bullshit
« Reply #339 on: October 03, 2019, 10:29:04 AM »
Liar, Liar, pants on fire.

CIG admitting finally that the 46 mil wasn't for marketing... and that they had a paltry 2.9M in CIG UK at the end of 2018, and that they are spending more than they are making.

"£17m from a minority equity investment, the UK part of the $46M worldwide investment into the Cloud Imperium Group made in 2018" - Hmm where is the rest of I wonder, propping up the Austin and German studios no doubt.


The reddit discussion. Some real gems there to be read. Some people are suggesting that S42 sales are going to answer the funding call. Many people accepting CIG are going to have to raise more funds - but don't see that as an issue. Others suggesting that ship sales are going to tide them over through 2020 but I'm sceptical - I personally predict 2020 ship sales -- sorry, I mean pledges -- are going to be dramatically lower than the 2018 and 2019 numbers.

They are certainly going to need to knock it out of the park with xmas sales. What do we all think? Prison ships? I'd personally hope to see a tongue-in-cheek debt collector ship but I doubt CIG shares the same sense of humour as me.


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Re: Star Citizen Lies, Ramblings, Jpegs, and Bullshit
« Reply #340 on: October 03, 2019, 07:25:08 PM »
Liar, Liar, pants on fire.

Can anyone imagine the actual Judge Dolly M Gee conducting herself like this while presiding over a case?


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Re: Star Citizen Lies, Ramblings, Jpegs, and Bullshit
« Reply #341 on: October 05, 2019, 02:46:52 PM »
Can anyone imagine the actual Judge Dolly M Gee conducting herself like this while presiding over a case?

Well if i remember correctly some judge already asked some lawyers if they were taking drugs, as they wanted everyone to go through some informations you simply couldn't fit in the agreed upon timetable. Might have been Apple vs. Samsung or something - has been a while.
So while it's low chance, i actually can imagine a judge uttering such - though only if pissed off enough.


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Re: Star Citizen Lies, Ramblings, Jpegs, and Bullshit
« Reply #342 on: October 08, 2019, 11:45:21 AM »
Recently i watched the following video of the 890j.
That ship is somewhat of an eptiome of the whole problem they've got. A pipe dream ship, only valuable to non mechanics oriented people, which role most likely would never function in an actual game, which most likely bound qutie some resources and most likely made them quite some money from the whales.

The video describes the ship as yearning back to a more "simple, wedge shape" at 1:40s , lol, the cig-shill narrator ignores or tries to pretend ED doesn't exist, even mentioning Star Wars had wedge ISDs, but the more apt relevant comparison would be the classic elite franchise wedge ships! Pipe dream ships for sure for CIG, but already reality in the bar-setting , still leading immense scope of ED.

The ED majestic-class imperial cruiser, imo looks prettier than this 890j. Also , ED already has a working infrastructure for the passenger ship types of activity, such as passenger missions, thousands of places in the galaxy to actually travel to, hundreds of visitor spots and beacons. Yes, more can be filled out later with atmospherics & spacelegs, etc. but what's there is already working far more stably than any of the tech demo levels of SC.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2019, 11:58:03 AM by krylite »


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Re: Star Citizen Lies, Ramblings, Jpegs, and Bullshit
« Reply #343 on: December 18, 2019, 11:58:58 AM »

Fun highlights below. Just add ?t= the number below after the YT link to jump to the exact places. e.g. ?t=151

151 (jarring cut)
307 (SSOCS cuts)
324 (servers running at 7 - 10 fps!)
430 (wanted 100 cave systems, but only got 15)
485 (RAM bottleneck on dev machines)
571 (elevator glitches explained)
602 (RAM kills player count)
712 (persistence!)
817 (never been done before)
885 (janky melee combat)

Star Citizen isn't a game. It's a TV show about a bunch of characters making a game. It's basically "This is Spinal Tap" - except people think the band is real.


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Re: Star Citizen Lies, Ramblings, Jpegs, and Bullshit
« Reply #344 on: December 18, 2019, 03:29:08 PM »
'Pillar Talk'. Pillar of sand talk considering this latest patch, 3.8, dubbed "Error 30K", where it's newest core tech 'SOCS', seems to help the server overhead by simply kicking players back to the main menu.
The latest patch to 3.8 seems to mostly address it . . . For now. But one good thing I've noticed is that the timid pilot A.I has been utterly ruthless when engaged in dogfighting. Crusader Industies Ares anyone? Only 195.00 USD warbond.


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