Oh sorry Star Citizen. You have had too many crashes in the last evolution period. Sadly we must notify you that we an no longer cover you on your insurance claims for the remainer of this evolution.
"Hey wait a minute, I have LIFETIME Insurance"
We are sorry but due to limited recources RSI cannot cover an infinite number of repairs. If you carefully read your policy limits in our NEW TOS you will find that you have exceeded your limit and it will cost $400 dollars USD to replace your Stargazer. If you fail to act within the alloted duration the default action will transpire and you will recieve a new Aroura in it's place.
Have a spaceriffic day, Citizen!
"Wait one cotton pickin minute you scallywags, I PAID for this here Insurance"
We regret to inform you that your last offer has exceeded it's window of acceptance. You may pick up your new Aroura when you get to the nearest terminal Citizen.
Have a a Spaceriffic day, Citizen!
The Future, If it ever releases. I cant wait to see what the lines are like to pay the water bill or register you space vehicles every year. Inspections and space emissions too.