Looks like all our joy at there being missing gameplay in SC is off target. There is gameplay! Just not what you expect. But at the same time
more than what you expect.
I don't want to give it away before you read this fine post but basically the gameplay in 3.3.5 consists of learning/exercising patience. If you look at SC as a whole - everything from the nano-level (standing around 40s in elevators each time you go for a ship) to the micro-level (running frantically from place to place for minutes a time to ultimately achieve nothing, and then to repeat that indefinitely) to the mid-level (watching ATV to find out what the 400+ devs are going to deliver next year maybe) to the macro-level (waiting 6+ years for a game you paid for) - you can see that the whole thing is a reaction to the daily grind, the rat race, the endless brutal cutthroat competition to climb the ladder, to reaching whatever level you manage to reach only to stomp on the people below you in order to keep your place. And you call that security? You call that happiness? You call that
https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/9xuyor/the_hell_that_is_335e/e9w3xae/Slow down, smell the roses. Breath in. Breath out. Accept.
Star Citizen the "player" (i.e., human being) is immersed in a context wherein he can learn the Four Noble Truths:
- The truth of suffering (Dukkha)
- The truth of the origin of suffering (Samudāya)
- The truth of the cessation of suffering (Nirodha)
- The truth of the path to the cessation of suffering (Magga)
Now, having been introduced the the truth you may proceed along the Eightfold Way, the proper way to live your life.
Goal: enlightenment.