At this point, I don't think it matters what state SQ42 will be released in, or even if it turned out good. What matters is that they are now just doing the bare minimum in order to deliver on the main things from the kickstarter. Aside from the financial brochure (which surprised me tbh) which was a key point, SQ42 represents the final aspect. Remember, as I have been saying for years now, it doesn't what state or shape the final results are in because they are legally protected by the guarantee of performance condition. So they could implement something, even if it doesn't work as expected. The bottom line is that the creators and execs got rich based on lies. The only good part is that they provided jobs for a large number of people over the years.
I am still baffled as to why any investor would put money into this project. All I think can think of is that it probably has something to do with perhaps a movie. Also, as per the other
discussion about that aspect, this investor probably has protections guaranteeing that he gets his money back out in some fashion. The fact that they were touting this money as being for SQ42, is a huge Red flag that the investment relies heavily on it's sales performance.