Know the sad part? That anyone reading that will think you were just trolling and that it's not based on actual facts (which it is).
The sad part imo is that even when at some time the plug is pulled, like when SC no longer looks just sligthly graphically dated in comparison to current year games, people will still talk about the potential this game had and make up all kinds of excuses as to why it couldn't become a reality or something... instead of realizing that CRoberts Marketing was way beyond all other overpromising Marketing in the last 2 decades.
Forget about CDPR and CP2077 (which certainly has weaknesses but a solid basis), forget about Molyneaux and Black&White/Fable, Demis Hassabis and Republic (a real interesting sidenote about him in history), Sean Murray and No Mans Sky... CRoberts takes the top.